NH #30: How Nuclear Activists Can Get on the Radar of Reporters BEFORE March 11

Reporters always need sources and don’t know where to find them.  They’ll also take the easiest way out whenever possible.  News and journalism have been so degraded since I got my BA in the field that it’s sad to see such simplistic “reporting” when stories are so much richer and more complex than get represented…

NH #29: The (Nuclear) Chain of Life: Are Cancer and Autism Linked to Your Grandmother’s Radiation Exposure?

An email forwarded to me from Mary Olsen of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS.com) has been haunting me. It’s well known within the anti-nuclear movement that radiation most profoundly affects fetuses and the very young.  In explaining this phenomenon, Mary wrote, “In addition to radiation impacts on DNA (both egg and sperm), there is…

NH #28: How to Book “The China Syndrome” as a Fundraiser/Consciousness Raiser

I believe that entertainment is a great way to get beyond people’s resistance to the nuclear issue and start them thinking and feeling about what needs to be done.  I don’t know if there is a more powerful commercial film for us than “The China Syndrome.”  Big names, great acting, harrowing message, funny hair and…

NH #27: November 24, 2011

My tech guy just fixed a weeks-long lock-out from this site, which is why I’ve fallen behind.  I’ll catch up on the missed podcasts and blog posts as quickly as I can, but for now, here’s today’s podcast: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/nuclear-hotseat-hosted-by/id458213762 Terrific interview on the proposed California ballot initiative to shut down all in-state nuclear reactors with…

NH #26: Michael Keegan of Nuclear-Free Great Lakes Interview

In the latest Nuclear Hotseat Podcast: Interview with Michael Keegan of Nuclear-Free Great Lakes; radiation news and health problems from Japan; Swedish nuclear plant fire; Canadian radiation higher than originally reported; Cesium in San Francisco-area milk… again; NIRS report on radiational harm worse for women than men; apple pectin good for more than jelly… radiationally…

NH #24: October 18, 2011

In today’s episode of Nuclear Hotseat (http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/5e28ed99-7d9c-625b-8c04-289765cb4890.mp3): Interview with Barbara George of Women’s Energy Matters of Marin County, CA on legal briefs against Diablo Canyon filed with the California Public Utilities Commission, including where activists can find copies to use in their states: www.womensenergymatters.org; radiation news from Japan, including compromises to the food chain in…

NH #23: San Onofre Hearings in San Clemente – full video

Here’s the video of last Tuesday’s hearing on San Onofre with the San Clemente City Council. Our side’s turn; great presentation by Arnie Gunderson via teleconferencing, Dr. Helen Caldicott via Skype, and an especially powerful (though understated in delivery) talk by Dan Hirsch at about the 3 hour mark. Watch Democracy in action: http://www.san-clemente.org/Videos/ShowVideo.aspx?VideoID=290