NH #65 – Dr. Janette Sherman & Joseph Mangano on Post-Fukushima Deaths in US

Plus: Police kill anti-nuke protesters, including a small girl, as thousands continue to protest at Koodankulam NPP in India; The fight is on to stop PG&E from exterminating CA sea life to justify keeping Diablo Canyon NPP chugging away atop its earthquake faults; TEPCO says Unit 4 is “perfectly safe” in a quake up to…

NH #61: Mary Olson of NIRS.org on Nuclear Waste; “Terrorist” 82-Year Old Nun Assaults Nuke Facility w/a Bible!

 Interview:  Mary Olson, Director of Southeast Office of NIRS.org, on what the June 8 DC court ruling means to the battle against nuclear waste production (meaning reactors and their radioactive legacy).  This woman is a clear, concise powerhouse! News: 82-year-old “terrorist” nun breaks into Oak Ridge nuclear facility armed w/a Bible, candles and spray paint. …

NH #53 – Radiation Monitoring Devices and Crowd-Sourced Readings

Dr. Bill Cardozo of CreativeElectron.com and Darin McClure of SanOnofre.com on radiation monitors, what they’ll do and won’t do, crowd-source radiation monitoring and how to hook up some monitors directly to the Internet for real-time result posting. Radiation 101 classes the last Saturday of each month, w/streaming video and online posting available at: www.CreativeElectron.com. Plus:…

NH #42 – Foodchain Safety Issues w/Kimberly Roberson & Mary Beth Brangan

Terrific food safety interview w/Kimberly Roberson of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network and Mary Beth Brangan of Ecological Awareness Network.  Learn about the increasing dangers posed to our food supply by the radiation from Fukushima, as well as what you can do to boost your health and resist the effects of radiation. Plus: Radiation in Fukushima…

NH #39 for March 13, 2012 – 1st Anniversary of Fukushima, San Onofre Demonstration

On the first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami and the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: Special audio report from the March 11 San Onofre anti-nuke demo; Interviews with two survivors of Tohoku quake, tsunami and ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, direct from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, who were speaking at the…

NH #30: How Nuclear Activists Can Get on the Radar of Reporters BEFORE March 11

Reporters always need sources and don’t know where to find them.  They’ll also take the easiest way out whenever possible.  News and journalism have been so degraded since I got my BA in the field that it’s sad to see such simplistic “reporting” when stories are so much richer and more complex than get represented…

NH #18: September 6, 2011

Today’s Nuclear Hotseat Podcast: North Anna’s operators caught in a lie about quake-readiness of that plant, even as they break ground for reactor #3; Fukushima radiation levels for workers more than 10 times too high; Interview with Dr. Robert Gould of Physicians for Social Responsibility on radiation dangers; Report on Vermont’s nuclear sanity – a…