NH #30: How Nuclear Activists Can Get on the Radar of Reporters BEFORE March 11

Reporters always need sources and don’t know where to find them.  They’ll also take the easiest way out whenever possible.  News and journalism have been so degraded since I got my BA in the field that it’s sad to see such simplistic “reporting” when stories are so much richer and more complex than get represented in mainstream media (MSM).

With March 11 and the first anniversary of the Fukushima disaster coming up, reporters and editors will be sniffing around for stories.  You can bet the commercial nuke industry is muscled-up in terms of its PR firms having spokespeople, organized legions of (often paid) bloggers and comment writers, strategies and tactics already in place.  That’s how they get out their word fast and strong.  They’ve spent millions and have been developing their methodologies for decades now… and unfortunately, some of their people possess an evil genius for getting it right.

What can anti-nuke activists do?  One easy, basic, necessary move is to get registered as a source for reporters.  Thanks to the Internet, there are now a number of sites that allow people to register as sources on topics of expertise.  They are all free.  What we all need to do is go on these sites and register:

  • HARO – helpareporterout.com
  • RTIR.com – Steve Harrison
  • RadioPublicity.com – Alex Carroll — He charges big bucks for some of his promotional packages, but sign up for his free info.  He has EXCELLENT 60 second tips for radio that come about once a week. 

In addition, these sites send out multiple daily email listing stories reporters need people to comment on.  Sign up for these reports… with this warning:  HAVE A DEDICATED EMAIL ACCOUNT (GMAIL, YAHOO, HOTMAIL).  They will inundate you w/email – up to 3 a day, 5 days a week.  But check them out regularly because right now is when editors and reporters are looking to March 11 and knowing they have to have stories.

If you want to get the anti-nuclear and perspective heard loud and clear on March 11, do this now.