Search Results for: Alvarez

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NH #469: Nuclear Trump & the Election: Bob Alvarez + Covid/Nuclear Letters to Pence: Is Anybody Listening? Tim Judson

Nuclear Trump and the election with Bob Alvarez.  And above, Covid/Nuclear dangers at refueling reactors addressed by Tim Judson, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, and a coalition of more than 80 national anti-nuclear groups.  Two official letters have been sent to  VP Mike Pence, national Covid Pandemic Response Czar… but just because you’re speaking Truth…

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NH #342: ENCORE PRESENTATION: PSR/IPPNW Report – 10,000+ Excess Cancer Cases Post-Fukushima – Thomasson, Rosen, Mousseau, Alvarez

Because I’m down with the flu, I’m unable to produce a new program this week, so here’s a chance for you to listen to an important story from 2016, where Physicians for Social Responsibility and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War issued a report projecting at least 10,000 excess cancer cases in…

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NH #329: Bob Alvarez Decodes N. Korea & Nukes + ICAN Wins Nobel Peace Prize! YAY!

This Week’s Featured Interview: The Nobel Peace Prize announcement from Oslo, Norway, and press conference interview with Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN – International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Straight talk on North Korea from Bob Alvarez, a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, who served as a senior policy advisor to…

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NH #247: PSR/IPPNW Report – 10,000+ Excess Cancer Cases Post-Fukushima – Thomasson, Rosen, Mousseau, Alvarez

This Week’s Featured Interviews: The PSR/IPPNW report released last week projecting at least 10,000 excess cancer cases in Japan because of the radioactivity releases from the ongoing Fukushima nuclear disaster. We’ll hear from: Dr. Catherine Thomasson, Executive Director of Physicians for Social Responsibility; Dr. Alex Rosen of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War;…

NH #244: SPECIAL – Atoms Next Door: North St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare w/Dr. Caldicott, Bob Alvarez, West Lake Moms
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NH #244: SPECIAL – Atoms Next Door: North St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare w/Dr. Caldicott, Bob Alvarez, West Lake Moms

“Atoms Next Door” Symposium on the St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare: A Full-Length Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL Dr. Helen Caldicott (R) interviewed by Libbe HaLevy (L) on-site at the Bridgeton Landfill in North St. Louis.  Behind them:  (L-R) – Mali Martha Lightfoot, Byron DeLear, Kay Drey In North St. Louis, World War II era nuclear weapons waste…

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NH #227: SPECIAL – St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare – West Lake Radioactive Waste Fire – Dr. Caldicott, Bob Alvarez, Dawn Chapman

A full-length Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL on the West Lake Landfill in North St. Louis – a Manhattan Project-era radioactive waste dump – and the encroaching underground fire less than a quarter mile away. FEATURED INTERVIEWS: The history of the West Lake Landfill nuclear waste with Bob Alvarez, who served as senior policy adviser to the…

NH #682: Ugly July 16 Nuclear Anniversaries:  Trinity Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Disaster

NH #682: Ugly July 16 Nuclear Anniversaries: Trinity Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Disaster

Annual walk to commemorate Church Rock uranium tailings pond disaster on Navajo Nation land – from 2019. Site of the mine and tailings pond in the background. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders Advocating for Justice – Tina Cordova: Trinity Downwinder Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles…

NH #596: Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Joseph Mangano

NH #596: Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Joseph Mangano

Nuclear Reactor Radiation Health Impact on Kids – New Baby Tooth Study – Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano This Week’s Featured Interview: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher who has served Radiation and Public Health Project (RPHP) since 1989. Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health, and is the author of…

NH #560: Nuclear Ukraine – Russia Shells Zaporizhzhia Nukes + Chernobyl 2.0? Kevin Kamps

NH #560: Nuclear Ukraine – Russia Shells Zaporizhzhia Nukes + Chernobyl 2.0? Kevin Kamps

This Week’s Featured Interview: Kevin Kamps is Nuclear Waste Specialist at Beyond Nuclear. Dr. Gordon Edwards has been president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility ( since 1978.  He graduated from the University of Toronto after studying mathematics, physics and chemistry with a gold medal in mathematics and physics. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): Dear Bulletin of the Atomic…