NH #469: Nuclear Trump & the Election: Bob Alvarez + Covid/Nuclear Letters to Pence: Is Anybody Listening? Tim Judson
Nuclear Trump and the election with Bob Alvarez. And above, Covid/Nuclear dangers at refueling reactors addressed by Tim Judson, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, and a coalition of more than 80 national anti-nuclear groups. Two official letters have been sent to VP Mike Pence, national Covid Pandemic Response Czar… but just because you’re speaking Truth to Power doesn’t mean that Power is actually listening.
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Tim Judson is Executive Director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, known generally as NIRS, where he leads the group’s work on nuclear reactor and climate change issues, and has written a series of reports on nuclear bailouts and sustainable energy. Before that, Tim was Chair of the Board of Citizens Awareness Network, one of the lead organizations in the successful campaign to close the Vermont Yankee reactor; co-founder of Alliance for a Green Economy in New York. Here, we discuss two major letters on the covid/nuclear connection at U.S. reactors sent to various Powers that Be, and what if any response they have provoked. We spoke on Friday, June 12, 2020.
- Letter #1 to VP Mike Pence and the Coronavirus Task Force of April 22, 2020.
- Letter #2 to VP Mike Pence and the Coronavrus Task Force of June 8, 2020.
Bob Alvarez and his late wife, attorneyKitty Tucker, who together were responsible
for the successful lawsuit on behalf of the family of Karen Silkwood
- Nuclear Trump – Bob Alvarez is well suited to comment on how our national/international policy changes on nuclear will impact the November election. Bob is a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies. Between 1993 and 1999, Mr. Alvarez served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Security and the Environment. While at DOE, he coordinated the effort to enact nuclear worker compensation legislation. In 1994 and 1995, Bob led teams in North Korea to establish control of nuclear weapons materials. Along with his late wife, attorney Kitty Tucker, he helped organize a successful lawsuit on behalf of the family of Karen Silkwood, a nuclear worker and active union member who was killed under mysterious circumstances in 1974. He is currently writing his memoir, and if you follow him on Facebook, you’ll be able to read tantalizing excerpts of his stories.