NH #435: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan Exposes Scientific Truth about Fukushima Contamination + Hurricane Hagibis Radiation Update: Mari Inoue

Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan – created by moms, parents, grandparents to supply the information that the Japanese government would not. See what radiation levels have been and will be for the next 100 years. This Week’s Featured Interview: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan by the Minna-no Data Site reveals the deadly impact…

Childhood Leukemia Rates

NH #433: Childhood Leukemia Rates Soar for Kids Living near Nuclear Reactors: UK Researcher Dr. Ian Fairlie

This Week’s Featured Interview: Childhood leukemia rates near nuclear reactors shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in 1986. He has a degree in radiation biology from Bart’s Hospital in…

NH #426: Nuclear UPDATE USA: Piketon Radiation Battles, Ohio Nuke Bailout, Holtec/SNC Lavalin Decommissioning Shenanigans at Pilgrim in MA

Nuclear UPDATE: Ohio Nuke Bailout info w/Attorney Terry Lodge Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear Update USA checks in on several – far from all! – nuclear hotspots around the United States to find out the latest. We hear from activists on the front lines of ongoing nuclear problems: Vina Colley, in her…

NH #419: Radioactive Waste Storage Crisis SPECIAL: NUCLEAR NIMBY Targets New Mexico, West Texas: Kevin Kamps, Diane D’Arrigo, Leona Morgan, Karen Hadden

Radioactive Waste Storage – NUCLEAR NIMBY: Activists rally against the proposed Holtec-Eddy/Lea consolidated so-called “interim” nuclear waste dump in New Mexico – January, 2019 SPECIAL REQUEST: Next week, I will be traveling to Navajo Nation in New Mexico to cover the 40th anniversary of the Church Rock disaster, the uranium tailings spill. Over 94 million…

NH #418: Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and Cancer Rates: Joseph Mangano

Radioactive Nuclear Reactors – Millstone Nuclear’s strontium 90 spew into surrounding community was exposed by the late Katie the Goat’s milk. Her great-granddaughter Victoria carries on the family tradition. This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and their impact on public health is the focusof the work of this week’s featured interviewee. Joseph Mangano is…

NH #415: PILGRIM NUCLEAR SHUTDOWN! Celebrate, then on to Decommissioning Battles: Diane Turco, Mary Lampert

Pilgrim Nuclear Shutdown! One of the many demonstrations by Cape Downwinders that helped make the closure happen. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts – the exact same design as the reactors that melted down at Fukushima Daiichi – permanently shut down as of June 1, 2019 after a long struggle…

NH #410: Chernobyl #3: Harrowing Play-by-Play of an Ultimate Nuclear Disaster – Author Adam Higginbotham

Chernobyl play-by-play of how the disaster happened: new book by Adam Higginbotham This Week’s Featured Interview: Adam Higginbotham is the author of MIDNIGHT IN CHERNOBYL: The Untold Story of the World’s Greatest Nuclear Disaster, the first complete account of the catastrophe that encircled the world and helped precipitate the fall of the Soviet Union. Higginbotham…

NH #409: Chernobyl Radiation Cover-Ups & Deadly Truth: Kate Brown, author, Manual for Survival

Chernobyl radiation impact on a father and son This Week’s Featured Interview: Chernobyl Radiation’s true health impact revealed:  A very special interview with Kate Brown, author of Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future. She is an historian of environmental and nuclear history at MIT and the author of the Plutopia, which won…

NH #408: Chernobyl 33 Anniversary SPECIAL #1 – Yablakov, Mousseau, Survivor Kouneva, More!

Chernobyl at 33:  The melted, still highly radioactive nuclear fuel at the bottom of Chernobyl, nicknamed the “elephant’s foot.” Listen Here: [powerpress] The Chernobyl nuclear disaster marks its 33rd anniversary on April 26, and Nuclear Hotseat marks it with two SPECIAL reports on the accident and its aftermath.  This week’s episode features interviews with a…