NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

Covid 19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson This Week’s Featured Interviews: A CoVid19 UPDATE – How is the growing pandemic impacting the nuclear and anti-nuclear world? A FINAL THOUGHT on on how the impact of CoVid19 may feel familiar to those who have been following nuclear issues, especially…

NH #455: Fukushima Anniversary SPECIAL: Voices From Japan 2020 – Tokyo Shimbun Reporter Takeshi Yamakawa

Nuclear Hotseat Voices from Japan – #Fukushima 9th Anniversary SPECIAL. Interview with Takeshi Yamakawa from the Tokyo Shimbun #Nuclear Power Reporting Team; radiation problems in the Exclusion Zone from Voices from Japan investigative reporter Yuji Kaneko; commentary by co-producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko.

NH #451: Chernobyl Truth, World Health Org Lies: Alison Katz, Independent WHO

Chernobyl children’s gas masks. Listen here: [powerpress] Chernobyl – NOTE: We’re having computer problems at Nuclear Hotseat that are preventing production of a new show for this week. However, it gives us the opportunity to offer this classic episode of the show, deemed the most important interview we’ve ever done. We hope to have a…

NH #441: Nuclear Waste Warriors: USA National Activists Gather to Fight for Truth, Sanity in Radioactive Waste Storage

Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the United States gathered in Albuquerque, NM in November to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate efforts and actions. This Week’s SPECIAL: Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the U.S. came together November 7-11, 2019, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate work against the nuclear nightmares in their own backyards,…

NH #436: Radioactive Nuclear Waste Lies: San Onofre w/Donna Gilmore, Radiation vs. Radioactivity w/Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radioactive Nuclear Waste in Southern California: Google Maps image of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station‘s radioactive fuel rod storage canisters. Each one contains as much radiation as was released during the Chernobyl accident. Note the nearness of the Pacific Ocean. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive nuclear waste and the current lies regarding long-term storage…

NH #435: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan Exposes Scientific Truth about Fukushima Contamination + Hurricane Hagibis Radiation Update: Mari Inoue

Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan – created by moms, parents, grandparents to supply the information that the Japanese government would not. See what radiation levels have been and will be for the next 100 years. This Week’s Featured Interview: Citizens’ Radiation Data Map of Japan by the Minna-no Data Site reveals the deadly impact…

Childhood Leukemia Rates

NH #433: Childhood Leukemia Rates Soar for Kids Living near Nuclear Reactors: UK Researcher Dr. Ian Fairlie

This Week’s Featured Interview: Childhood leukemia rates near nuclear reactors shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in 1986. He has a degree in radiation biology from Bart’s Hospital in…

NH #426: Nuclear UPDATE USA: Piketon Radiation Battles, Ohio Nuke Bailout, Holtec/SNC Lavalin Decommissioning Shenanigans at Pilgrim in MA

Nuclear UPDATE: Ohio Nuke Bailout info w/Attorney Terry Lodge Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear Update USA checks in on several – far from all! – nuclear hotspots around the United States to find out the latest. We hear from activists on the front lines of ongoing nuclear problems: Vina Colley, in her…

NH #419: Radioactive Waste Storage Crisis SPECIAL: NUCLEAR NIMBY Targets New Mexico, West Texas: Kevin Kamps, Diane D’Arrigo, Leona Morgan, Karen Hadden

Radioactive Waste Storage – NUCLEAR NIMBY: Activists rally against the proposed Holtec-Eddy/Lea consolidated so-called “interim” nuclear waste dump in New Mexico – January, 2019 SPECIAL REQUEST: Next week, I will be traveling to Navajo Nation in New Mexico to cover the 40th anniversary of the Church Rock disaster, the uranium tailings spill. Over 94 million…