NH #458: Covid19/Nuclear Dangers: You Can’t Social Distance at a Nuclear Reactor – Arnie & Maggie Gundersen Call Out Industry Refueling, Safety Lies
Covid/Nuclear Dangers – More industry lies, problems revealed:
Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen,
interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy
This Week’s Featured Interview:
Covid/Nuclear Dangers and Lies: As the Covid pandemic continues to ravage its way through society, the nuclear industry is placed in serious jeopardy of being able to maintain safety at its 98 U.S. operating nuclear reactors. How bad are the problems? How much should we believe the industry’s claims of being “safe” while asking for enormous bailouts from the Covid stimulous package? We turned to two experts to find out.

Arnie Gundersen has more than 45-years of nuclear power engineering experience. He attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) where he earned his Bachelor Degree cum laude while also becoming the recipient of a prestigious Atomic Energy Commission Fellowship for his Master Degree in nuclear engineering. Arnie holds a nuclear safety patent, was a licensed reactor operator, and is a former nuclear industry senior vice president. During his nuclear power industry career, Arnie also managed and coordinated projects at 70 nuclear power plants in the US.

- Maggie Gundersen founded Fairewinds Energy Education, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, in 2008. Its mission has remained to educate the public about nuclear power production, engineering, reliability, and safety issues. Maggie also founded Fairewinds Associates, Inc, a paralegal and expert witness services firm in 2003. She has a history as well expertise within the nuclear power industry.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
THAT WOULD BE ME – George Takei, the Sulu from the original Star Trek, posted of his being honored to be the final torch bearer at the 2021 Olympics, the one to light the eternal flame. I caught the story at the last minute and made it Numnutz of the Week, with all due rage. I even included it in my social media posts. Only now, after posting, have I learned that it was his April Fools joke — so tone deaf that it seemed believable to those of us who understand exactly how venal Abe, the IOC and their PR minion Dentsu can be. My apologies to all who fell for it.

This is the picture George Takei posted on his Facebook page, holding an Olympic torch, along with his story about having been chosen to be the final torch bearer at the 2021 Olympics. Actually, it’s just the kind of thing that Abe, the IOC and PR firm Dentsu would choose to do. My apologies for helping to perpetuate a hoax.
Activist Actions:
- LINK to the Boston University Zoom teleconference on the 2020 Olympics (information still very important!), featuring Dr. Norma Field and Dr, Marco Kaltofen.
- COVID/NUCLEAR – Request for you to call your Member of Congress to demand funding for nuclear weapons be shifted to support health needs of impacted and vulnerable communities. Find your Member of Congress’s number CLICK HERE
Use the following script to make your call:
“My name is ____ and I live in _____. I am concerned, at a time when thousands are dying aroudn the world from the COVID-19 Crisis that Trump intends to spend 46 billion more dollars on nuclear weapons. Will you commit to cuting the nuclear weapons budget to spend this money on lifesaving ventilators, surgical masks, and healthcare benefits for millions of Americans who deserve access to healthcare during the COVID19 pandemic?” - THREE MILE ISLAND – Respond to Nuclear Regulatory Commission on transfer of Three Mile Island’s stricken Unit 2 to a decommissioning firm. You can submit a comment by using any of the following methods:
- Go to https://www.regulations.gov/ and search for Docket ID NRC-2020-0082. Address questions about NRC docket IDs in regulations.gov to Jennifer Borges; telephone 301-287-9127; email [email protected].
- Email comments to: [email protected]. If you do not receive an automatic email reply confirming receipt, then contact the Office of the Secretary at 301-415-1677.
- Fax comments to: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at 301-415-1101.
- Mail comments to: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555-0001, ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff.