Nuclear Ukraine UPDATE

NH #559: Nuclear Ukraine UPDATE – Gundersen + SPECIAL: VOICES FROM JAPAN – Fukushima 11 th Anniversary

Nuclear Ukraine UPDATE: Arnie Gundersen is a nuclear engineer, a licensed nuclear reactor operator and expert witness, as well as the Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Associates. Nuclear Ukraine: Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactors first shelled,then captured by Russians.  Pumping stations are #4; reactors are at #3; building that got hit and burned is #15. FUKUSHIMA 11 th…

NH #556: Fukushima Thyroid Cancer in Kids – Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

NH #556: Fukushima Thyroid Cancer in Kids – Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

This Week’s Featured Interview: Joseph Mangano is Executive director of Radiation and Public Health Project.  He is an epidemiologist – one who searches for the cause of disease, identifies people who are at risk, determines how to control or stop the spread, or prevent it from happening again. Joe has over 30 years of experience…

Nuclear Arctic Radiation Dangers

NH #553: Nuclear Arctic Radiation Dangers: Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

This Week’s EXCLUSIVE Featured Interview: Tim Deere-Jones is a marine biologist – a radiation researcher and consultant – who specializes in analysis of the radiation threats to our planet’s waters from a wide range of nuclear sources. Here he provides a SPECIAL report produced exclusively for Nuclear Hotseat on the Nuclear Arctic radiation dangers.  Tim…

Tonga Tsunami Nuclear Dangers

NH #552: Tonga Tsunami Nuclear Dangers to Fukushima, San Onofre – Nancy Foust, Charles Langley & Nina Babiarz

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Tonga tsunami nuclear dangers are explored in two featured interview this week.  We look at the possible impact both on Fukushima and United States domestic nuclear reactor sites, most specifically San Onofre in southern California Nancy Foust is Communications Manager & Research Team Member, a not-for-profit research collective that holds…

Nuclear Regulator Confesses

NH #551: Nuclear Regulator Confesses! Former NRC Chair Jaczko’s Tell-All Book!

This Week’s Featured Interview: Greg Jaczko, the former Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has published an explosive new book: Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator.  (NOTE:  Link is to Amazon, but we recommend you order it through your local independent book store.) In it, he gets honest with the American people about the dangers…

Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water

NH #550: Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water Dump into Cape Cod Bay? NOPE! Diane Turco, Cape Downwinders

This Week’s Featured Interview: Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water Dump – is an action that the decommissioning company has planned for the radioactive water from the reactor spent fuel pool.  But Holtec has been receiving ever-growing pushback from Massachusetts representatives and the public.  Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group…

Fukushima Radioactive Water Dump

NH #546: Fukushima Radioactive Water Dump, Citizens Radiation Data Map of Japan + Pilgrim Radwater Release

This Week’s SPECIAL Features: Fukushima radioactive water dump – and more.   This week focuses on the radiation dangers that Fukushima still poses – 1,280,000 metric tons of stored  tritium-contaminated radioactive water that TEPCO plans to dump into the Pacific Ocean; and the citizen-science testing proram that revealed Fukushima contamination throughout Japan. This week’s guests…