NH #642:  RADIATION!  Piketon, OH Demolition Releases, Nevada Test Site Fallout in E. California, RECA Implications – Dr. Michael Ketterer

NH #642: RADIATION! Piketon, OH Demolition Releases, Nevada Test Site Fallout in E. California, RECA Implications – Dr. Michael Ketterer

RADIATION! Piketon, OH Demolition Releases, Trinity Fallout in E. California, RECA Implications – Dr. Michael Ketterer Radiation researcher Dr. Michael Ketterer Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): The nukesters are choosing glamour-pusses to hawk their wares and recite their talking points. Don’t they realize that someone who, in part, names herself “Dope” is…

NH #641: Downwinders Lobby in DC for Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) + Dangers of DU Weapons in Ukraine

NH #641: Downwinders Lobby in DC for Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) + Dangers of DU Weapons in Ukraine

Downwinders Lobby in DC for Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) + Dangers of DU Weapons in Ukraine This Week’s Featured Interviews Depleted Uranium Weapons in Ukraine – Damacio Lopez: Map of sites in the U.S. where depleted uranium (DU) weapons have been manufactured and/or tested. (March, 1993) – supplied by Damacio Lopez from his upcoming…

NH #638: SPECIAL – Oppose Nuclear?  Good News! Downwinder Compensation, No New Nukes in Illinois, Texas RadWaste De-Licensed, Indian Point Radwater Dump Dumped!

NH #638: SPECIAL – Oppose Nuclear? Good News! Downwinder Compensation, No New Nukes in Illinois, Texas RadWaste De-Licensed, Indian Point Radwater Dump Dumped!

SPECIAL – Nuclear Good News!!! RECA Expanded, Illinois Moratorium Retained, Texas Radioactive Waste Non-Storage, Indian Point Radwater Dump Dumped! This Week’s Special Features: It’s not often that those who oppose nuclear get good news, but in recent weeks there’s been a deluge of positive legal decisions and legislation that are enough to make a hardened…

NH #637: Plutonium Pits, New Bombs, Los Alamos Never Learns – Greg Mello

NH #637: Plutonium Pits, New Bombs, Los Alamos Never Learns – Greg Mello

Plutonium Pits, New Bombs, Los Alamos Never Learns – Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group As if Los Alamos isn’t already contaminated enough with radioactive materials, now they want to build a new plutonium pit factory. What’s wrong with that addition to this picture? This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (For Outstanding…

NH #634: Post-Oppenheimer Media Fallout + Superb Radiation Class – Greg Mitchell, Mary Olson

NH #634: Post-Oppenheimer Media Fallout + Superb Radiation Class – Greg Mitchell, Mary Olson

J. Robert Oppenheimer (in hat) and Gen. Leslie Groves at ground zero of the Trinity a-bomb test in New Mexico, six weeks after Trinity test and one month after Hiroshima. NH #634: Post-Oppenheimer Media Fallout + Superb Radiation Class – Greg Mitchell, Mary Olson Everything Oppenheimer Inspired in the Media: Author/Filmmaker Greg Mitchell New Radiation…

NH #633 – Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Global Downwinders: “Now We Are All Hibakusha” – Prof. Robert “Bo” Jacobs, Pt. 2

NH #633 – Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Global Downwinders: “Now We Are All Hibakusha” – Prof. Robert “Bo” Jacobs, Pt. 2

NH #633 – Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Global Hibakusha: “Now We Are All Downwinders” – Prof. Robert “Bo” Jacobs, Pt. 2 Map of radiation contamination in the United States from Trinity test, 100 atmospheric blasts, and 921 underground from 1945 to 1992. Check article: Trinity Nuclear Test’s Fallout Reached 46 States, Canada and Mexico, Study…

NH #631: NUCLEAR MOVIE SPECIAL: Problematic Oppenheimer OMITS Radiation, Japanese Faces, Hiroshima Devastation: Greg Mitchell

Problematic Oppenheimer film OMITS Radiation, Japanese Faces, Hiroshima Devastation: Greg Mitchell Albert Einstein (l) and J. Robert Oppenheimer, both at the top of the nuclear bomb-creating food chain. With all the hooplah surrounding the release of Chris Nolan’s Oppenheimer film, we weigh in with two experts on nuclear films: Greg Mitchell Links: Nuclear Hotseat Hot…

NH #629: SPECIAL: Japan’s Radioactive Fukushima Water Dump – Media Propaganda, Report from South Pacific

NH #629: SPECIAL: Japan’s Radioactive Fukushima Water Dump – Media Propaganda, Report from South Pacific

SPECIAL: Japan’s Radioactive Fukushima Water Release – Media Propaganda, Report from Vanuatu in S Pacific This Week’s SPECIAL Report: With Japan’s pending release of 1.3 million tons of Tritium-contaminated radioactive water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) approval of that plan, it is time for an examination of…

NH #628: IAEA OKs Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Water Release + Ukraine Nuclear Disaster Imminent?

NH #628: IAEA OKs Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Water Release + Ukraine Nuclear Disaster Imminent?

IAEA OKs Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive Water Release + Ukraine Nuclear Disaster Imminent? Google map photo of Fukushima water tank storage, showing open, unused land surrounding it which could be used to expand the radioactdive water storage area. Japan and TEPCO are acting like they have run out of space for storage, which they most definitely…