Hinkley Radioactive Waste

NH #534: Hinkley Radioactive Waste Dredge-and-Dump off Cardiff Coast – UK Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones

This Week’s Featured Interview: A jaw-dropping interview with UK Marine Biologist Tim Deere-Jones on the true impact of nuclear industry dredge-and-drop of nuclear 600,000 cubic metres (approx 780,000 tons) of radioactive waste into the Bristol Channel off the coast of Wales.  He works as an independent Marine Pollution Researcher and Consultant with a client list…

NH #533: Blast the Money Out of Nuclear Weapons! Susi Snyder, Don’t Bank on the Bomb + Santa Susana Field Lab UPDATE w/Melissa Bumstead

NH #533: Blast the Money Out of Nuclear Weapons! Susi Snyder, Don’t Bank on the Bomb + Santa Susana Field Lab UPDATE w/Melissa Bumstead

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Blast the money out of nuclear weapons!  Nuclear divestment means institutional nuke investments are going down — and Susi Snyder explains how any one of us can join that movement. She is project lead for the PAX No Nukes Project and coordinator for the Don’t Bank on the Bomb research and…

Nuclear New Orleans

NH #532: Nuclear New Orleans: Another Fukushima? Post-Ida Dangers at Waterford Nuclear – Arnie Gundersen, Maggie Gundersen, Nancy Foust

This Week’s SPECIAL Interviews: Following the devastation to New Orleans by Hurricane Ida, mainstream media has failed to cover the situation at the Waterford nuclear facility only 25 miles west of the city.  The facility is shut down, without grid power, and currently cooling the reactor with emergency back-up generators. But is this enough? Will…

Pilgrim Nuclear, Holtec Safety Lies

NH #531: Pilgrim Nuclear, Holtec Safety Lies: Diane Turco, Cape Downwinders

This Week’s Featured Interview: Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting against the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor for more than 40 years.  Here, two interviews: Post-shutdown problems at Pilgrim, including site security issues and her pending trial for trespassing to demonstrate to two NPR reporters how…

New Mexico Nuclear Activists

NH #530: New Mexico Nuclear Activists Brainstorm on How to Stop LANL, WIPP Expansion – Taos Enviro Film Festival

This Week’s Special Feature: New Mexico Nuclear Activists – On August 8, as part of the commemoration of the atomic bomb being dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Taos Environmental Film Festival produced an important panel discussion.  Anti-nuclear and peace activists shared their views on the problems and possible solutions for…

NH #407: Three Mile Island 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Libbe HaLevy’s Trip Back to TMI – Gundersen, Epstein, Folkers, Layman, More!

Three Mile Island at 40 – TMI Vigil at the gates to the reactor facility, March 28, 2019, 3:57 a.m. Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy (right) commemorates her past. Listen Here: [powerpress] A very SPECIAL Nuclear Hotseat as producer/host Libbe HaLevy returns to Three Mile Island, site of the 1979 meltdown that changed her life. …