Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay

NH: #499: Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay – Again! – thru Fukushima & Futaba – Beverly Findlay Kaneko

This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay – Again! – Beverly Findlay-Kaneko is Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan producing partner.  She evacuated Japan with her son following the 2011 nuclear disaster.  Here, she provides details from on-the-ground reports out of Fukushima Prefecture, along with direct statements by former residents of Futaba translated from Japanese blog posts exclusively…

Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu

NH #498: Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu: UPDATE by Dr. Alex Rosen of IPPNW

This Week’s Featured Interview:  Radioactive Olympics – Dr. Alex Rosen is one of two co-chairs of the German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), where he is responsible for the topic of nuclear energy.  Dr. Rosen is a pediatric specialist and head of the pediatric emergency department of the…

Peace and Peace Culture

NH #496: Peace and Peace Culture: Hope from Hiroshima Peace Culture Village – Steve Leeper

A SPECIAL Nuclear Hotseat interview that considers what Peace is, what Peace Culture is, and how we might work on a planetary basis to institute new ways of being and building for a sustainable future.  A Holiday gift from me and the crew at Nuclear Hotseat for those who are working in what this interview…

NH #494: Nuclear Downwinders (That’s All of Us): Journalist/Playwright Mary Dickson

Nuclear Downwinders Update – Map of U.S. areas hit by fallout from at least three of the 100 atmospheric bomb tests done above ground in Nevada, showing that most of us are truly downwinders. Used by permission of Richard Miller Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Downwinders – and that would be more…

NH #493: Nuclear Lame Duck Legislation: Diane D’Arrigo of NIRS

Nuclear Lame Duck Legislation – Diane D’Arrigo of Nuclear Information and Resource Service gives us the rundown on a few of the more than 18 nuclear-related bills currently in front of the lame duck Congress.   This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Lame Duck Legislation – Diane D’Arrigo is the Radioactive Waste Project Director for Nuclear…

NH #492: Nuclear Racism: Navajo Nation’s Radioactive Legacy – The 1979 Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Disaster

Nuclear Racism: Navajo Nation’s Radioactive Legacy –Uranium mining disaster site: SRIC’s Chris Shuey on site at Church Rock, explaining the devastation of the 1979 uranium tailings pond spill of 94-million gallons of highly acidic radioactive waste into Puerco River on Navajo Nation land. This Week’s Featured Interview:

NH #491: Social Media for Activists w/Colleen Moore, Beyond the Bomb

Social Media for Activists:  Beyond the Bomb and Global Zero’s Colleen Moore (above)explains powerful social media techniques for anti-nuclear activists. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Social Media for Activists:  Colleen Moore is Digital Engagement Manager for Beyond the Bomb and Global Zero.  She creates content to promote the message of eliminating nuclear weapons. Colleen has experience…