NH #510: Turkish Nuclear Reactors = Russia’s Mediterranean Toehold: Journalist Pinar Demircan

This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Pınar Demircan is a Turkish antinuclear activist and a journalist who started writing about nuclear after the Fukushima nuclear disaster began. She speaks Japanese and English as well as Turkish, and has been involved to global forums and panels where she presented on nuclear projects and the antinuclear struggle in Turkey. Currently, she writes at Yesil Gazete (Green News) and Civil Pages. At the same time, she is the Project coordinator of Nukleersiz.org (means Nuclear free), which is a member of Turkey’s Antinuclear Platform and Do Not Nuke the Climate network. She spoke with us from her home in Istanbul on February 20, 2021.
- To contact Pinar Demircan: [email protected] or on Twitter: @pnrizumi
- LINK to English transcription of Russian Involvement portion of interview
- LINKS to writing by Pinar Demircan based on the episode:
- Problems around Akkuyu NPP is so dire that, even the supporters of nuclear energy must object’ (Interview)
- For Sinop NPP, Turkey seeks EIA without a company for a reference reactor
- Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is already a problem – https://yesilgazete.org/akkuyu-nuclear-power-plant-is-already-a-problem/
- Radioactive realities of Gaziemir: Turkey’s authoritarian negligence
- Contact Nuclear-Free Turkey – www.nukleersiz.org

Turkish journalist and anti-nuclear activist Pinar Demircan (l).
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
So ya wanna go on vacation? Why not explore the “mysteries” and “magical experiences” awaiting you on this memorable trip to… Chernobyl! Just don’t expect their promised insurance to be worth squat…
- The 7 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy is NOT the Answer to Solve Climate Change by Mark Z. Jacobson
- Logo Contest for the National Radioactive Waste Coalition – Deadline April 30, 2020.
- LINKS for films coming…
Libbe HaLevy
Nuclear Turkey while that country is building its first nuclear reactors, three of them in Akoonu on the Mediterranean coast. The country is moving forward with plans to build a second nuclear reactor site on the opposite side of the country. All with the support and help from Russia is this Russian altruism, smart business practice, the good neighbor policy, or might there be something more sinister and long-term in Russia’s plans because that’s what Springs to mind when an important Turkish journalist tells you
Pienaar Demmer John
The owner of the MPP Russia got a military base in Turkey and became able to control the Mediterranean. And Russia has another attempt to have a nuclear power plant project across the other side of the Mediterranean
Libbe HaLevy
Russia, fulfilling its long deferred desire for a military toehold on both sides of the Mediterranean courtesy, the Turkish nuclear power reactors. Well, when you see how the cold war nuclearization of the world has switched from bombs and missiles to the placement of nuclear reactors, you understand how much more dangerous it is in that awful seat that we all share
Clear hot seat. What are those people thinking? Nuclear hot seat. What have those boys been breaking their hot seat? The Ms. Sinking our time to act is shrinking, but the visceral nuclear Hotsy, it’s the bomb.
Libbe HaLevy
Welcome to nuclear hot seat, the weekly international news magazine, keeping you up to date on all things nuclear from a different perspective. My name is Leebee Halevi. I’m the producer and host as well as a survivor of the nuclear accident at three mile island from just one mile away. So I know what can happen when those nuclear so-called experts get it wrong. This week, we speak with Turkish journalists pin our on the problems at the not yet fully built a CU nuclear reactor site, including a recent and steel explained onsite explosion that registered on the Richter scale. But we also talk about what might be a larger plan by Russia to use Turkish nuclear reactors as a tool to manipulate a larger political agenda on the Mediterranean. We will also have nuclear news from around the world numb that’s of the week for outstanding nuclear bone headedness, and more honest nuclear information than we will ever hear from bill gates.
Libbe HaLevy
All of it coming up in just a few moments. Today’s Tuesday, March 30th, 2021. And here is this week’s nuclear news from a different perspective, starting off here in the U S in Ohio, where two years after Ohio lawmakers passed house bill six, saying it was needed to save jobs at the Davis Bessey and Perry nuclear plants in Northern Ohio, and added hefty monthly fees to ratepayers in a state where their electricity, the nuclear fees in house bill six made headlines last July when former Ohio house speaker Larry householder, and four others were arrested in connection to a nearly $61 million bribery scheme to pass the law and defend the legislation against a ballot effort to block it. Now, the Ohio Senate has unanimously passed house bill 1 28, which would eliminate fees for nuclear plants on Ohioans. Electric bills acts another fee on first energy customers bills and eliminated another benefit for the Akron based company.
Libbe HaLevy
The Ohio house approved the changes the day after the Senate passed it, besides rescinding the graft, going to the nuclear power plants house bill 1 28 keeps $20 million each year for solar projects. Bill gates of Microsoft infamy continues to flog his book, promoting nuclear energy. In which of course he is deeply invested on every broadcast and online program that he can buy his way into gates and his company, Terra power are promoting a reactor type that the us and most other countries abandoned for decades ago because of concerns about both nuclear weapons, proliferation and cost, the liquid sodium cooled breeder reactors that’s the term used for them would be fueled by plutonium and produce more weapons grade plutonium as part of its waste stream. It’s a technology that has been shown through the decades of experience to be expensive, quick to break down and difficult to repair, not unlike Microsoft.
Libbe HaLevy
There’s a good article on why this technology is a bad bet in the current issue of the bulletin.org from the bulletin of atomic scientists. There’s a brilliant take-down piece written by Mark Z. Jacobson, professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the atmosphere energy program at Stanford university, heavy credentials there. And the title of this article is seven reasons why nuclear energy is not the answer to solve climate change. Jacobson’s rebuttal to the nukes are green argument include the long time lag between planning and operations, the cost weapons, proliferation risks, meltdown risks, lung cancer risks among those who mine, uranium, the risk of the resulting waste and carbon equivalent emissions and air pollution translation. There is no such thing as a zero or close to zero emission nuclear power plant. That’s part of the propaganda lie. We’ll link to this article on the website, nuclear hot seat.com under this episode, number 510 in Iowa, a decommissioned nuclear power plant, Duane Arnold just outside of Cedar rapids could become the site of a new massive solar energy project.
Libbe HaLevy
Iowa’s lone nuclear plant had operated for 45 years and was set to be decommissioned at the end of October as the state’s energy portfolio swings more to wind and solar, but it was taken offline weeks, early following extensive damage to it in the August, 2020 show, which brought winds of more than 100 miles per hour to Eastern Iowa, putting solar up on decommissioned nuclear sites sounds like a great transformation for all that real estate. And we all know this one already, but I need to make it of record. The Senate has confirmed Deb Holland as secretary of the interior, making her the first native American to ever serve in a us presidential cabinet. Howland is a tribal citizen of the Laguna Pueblo with a record of opposition to fracking the Keystone XL pipeline and other fossil fuel projects Halland is a 2020 nuclear free future award recipient for her efforts to address the impacts of uranium mining in the American Southwest.
Libbe HaLevy
Welcome aboard. And thank you. And if you’d like some light reading, here’s an article on the U S military missing six nuclear weapons. It also talked about 32 documented nuclear weapons accidents between 1950 and 1980. We will link to that. It’ll be on the website over to Japan, where on March 20th, a 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck just 65 miles from Fukushima while no deaths, major injuries or severe damage were reported. Japan’s nuclear regulation authority immediately said no abnormalities have been detected at three nuclear reactors near the earthquake. However, there was no report of any follow-up inspections, and that was way fast to come up with such assurances closer to Fukushima residents of have filed a complaint against Tokyo electric power company, the operators of Fukushima and the state of Japan for exposure to radioactivity. When the nuclear triple meltdowns happened in 2011, it Tata, which was beyond the 30 kilometer radius was evacuated late.
Libbe HaLevy
The order to evacuate was announced on April 11th, 2011, and the inhabitants had one month to leave. During this time, those who had not left the area by themselves were exposed to radioactive fallout. 29 residents of filed a lawsuit against TEPCO and the state and asked for 200 million yen in damages that breaks down to $1.8 million in us currency, but only around $60,000 per person. If they even get that they’re asking for compensation because the authorities had told them at the beginning of the disaster, that it was not necessary for them to leap the lack of information about the increase in radiation levels, deprived them of their right to evacuate and left them unnecessarily exposed. The Asahi Shimbun, one of five major national newspapers in Japan conducted a survey of the nation’s prefectural governors with the exception of Fukushima prefecture and ask their response to a central government plan to reuse mountains of contaminated soil generated from land cleanup operations after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Libbe HaLevy
No surprise here. The survey found zero support for the reuse of contaminated dirt for farm land development or road construction projects, both of which had been proposed by the government five of those governors flatly expressed opposition to any reuse regardless of project the government has in mind, a Japanese court has ordered the suspension of the Tokai. Number two nuclear power plant located Northeast of Tokyo citing a lack of evacuation plans, despite persisting safety concerns over nuclear power generation residents of and surrounding prefectures have expressed concerns over the lack of evacuation plans as around 940,000 people are living within a 30 kilometer or 20 mile radius of the plant. The judge said that the current situation poses a concrete danger that could infringe on personal rights of local residences. And what if you give an Olympic torch relay through a radioactive contaminated zone and nobody notices well Japan’s Olympic committee went through with the torch run, but without spectators, the Olympic organizers had chosen Fukushima as the torch relay starting point to highlight the regions quote unquote recovery from the triple disaster.
Libbe HaLevy
But in recent weeks, the positive narrative has stalled. Some Fukushima residents argue the region has far from recovered. As you could hear in greater detail on nuclear hot seat, number 5 0 7, our anniversary voices from Japan episode posting on March 9th, several celebrity Torchbearers have also pulled out of the event in the UK, shocking news that in its integrated review, the country announced that instead of reducing the number of nuclear weapons to 180 by the mid 2020s, which is still a far cry from zero, it plans to flaunt its previous commitments and increase its nuclear weapons cap by 40% to 260 nuclear warheads. A reminder that under the United nations treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons, they’re illegal internationally. So the UK is definitely moving in the wrong direction in Korea, five United nations, special repre tours send a letter to the Japanese government, communicating their concerns warning against the release of radioactively contaminated water from Fukushima into the Pacific ocean.
Libbe HaLevy
The UN experts said the radioactively contaminated water poses, major environmental and human rights risks, and any decision to discharge it into the Pacific ocean can not be an acceptable solution. In addition to tritium, which has generally been promoted as a low level radioactive material whose risks are debated, this water was also found to contain high-level radioactive materials, such as Caesium and strontium, which can be fatal even in extremely small quantities. A complaint has been filed at the hog based international criminal court against France for alleged crimes against humanity over nuclear tests conducted in the south Pacific, ask her tomorrow the French archipelagos former president said at the United nations, this case aims to hold all the living French presidents accountable for the nuclear tests against our country, the Moreau, and a tolls saw a 193 nuclear tests over three decades. Thousands of those exposed later developed serious health problems. And now
Claire hot, hot, hot.
Libbe HaLevy
Are you in the UK or planning to travel there sometime this year, specifically this fall between September and January of 2022. And might you be interested in a fun little side trip to tack onto your trip? Well, now you can explore the mysteries and magical experiences that are your presence when you explore for three nights in Chernobyl. Yep. There is a travel center in the UK that is putting together a bundle for a three to four day trip to Chernobyl where you can have an experience that is quote unquote inspired by the hit HBO show. They readily admit that this is no ordinary tour because it will be a memorable once in a lifetime travel experience, or rather once in a shortened lifetime travel experience, they promise to provide a professional guide lunch and health insurance. That last part really caught my eye and set off my numb nuts Surrey radar.
Libbe HaLevy
So I contacted the company. I told them I was going to be in England. I was thinking of maybe taking a side trip. And by the way, what exactly does that health insurance cover? And, you know, after several go rounds and the better part of a week, they still couldn’t tell me. They did write to me. Quote, if you practice caution, porins go with an official tour operator, wear protective clothing, avoid glass shards and debris close per ends. You could get coverage for unexpected accidents or illnesses as long as they meet the criteria and conditions spelled out in your policy. And when I asked what those criteria and conditions might be, I was told that there would be more details available in the voucher I will receive after booking. In other words, by the pig in the radio active poke. And afterwards we’ll tell you whether you have any rights, if you get sick from it and no telling of course what the timeline is. I think they’re expecting it to last exactly as long as the three days of the trip. And that’s why the dimwits behind this planned side trip to Chernobyl for nuclear tourism. You are most definitely this week’s
Libbe HaLevy
We’ll have this week’s featured interview in just a moment, but first nuclear problems are going to continue to be with us forever. From uranium mining to weapons, production, to radiation, leaking reactors, to still not having a way to safely store deadly radioactive waste produced by all these endeavors plus, oh yes. Nuclear weapons. Nuclear is government and industry not caring how they contaminate the world. As long as they keep making obscene profits for few people and fool themselves into thinking they are immune to the consequences of their actions. Meanwhile, we all have to deal with the dangers radioactive contamination that will not go away on its own ever. Let’s be honest. Nuclear is a deadly mess, and that is why you need nuclear hot seat to get into nuclear stories with facts, continuity and context, as well as the healthy dose of skepticism, we provide a much deeper and nuanced telling than you would ever expect to find on mainstream media.
Libbe HaLevy
We get behind the scenes under the skin and into the heart of nuclear matters every week with fresh information and unrelenting perspective. And even whenever possible humor, that’s why the time would be right now for you to support us with a donation. We make it very easy for you to do so. Just go to nuclear hotseat.com and click on the big red donate button to help us with a donation of any size that’s where you can set up a monthly $5 donation, which is the same as a cup of coffee and a nice tip to the barista here in the United States, or provide a one-time donation of any size. Please do what you can now to help the show, keep going and know that however much you can help. I am deeply grateful that you’re listening and that you care here’s this week’s featured interview.
Libbe HaLevy
One of the joys and rewards for doing nuclear hot seat is my opportunity to connect with committed anti-nuclear activists around the world and talk about what is really important to them. So I can share it with you. Today’s interview is one stunning example of exactly what that’s like. Pienaar Deshaun is a Turkish anti-nuclear activist and a journalist who started writing about all things nuclear. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster began in 2011, she speaks Japanese and English as well as Turkish and has been involved in global forums and panels where she presented information about nuclear projects and the anti-nuclear struggle in Turkey. Currently, she writes at you sealed Gazette and civil pages. And at the same time, she is project coordinator for nuclear is size.org, which means nuclear free. The group is a member of Turkey’s anti-nuclear platform and do not nuke the climate network. Pienaar Demmer John lives in Istanbul, and we spoke on February 20th, 2021. it’s so good to have you with us here on nuclear hot seat.
Pienaar Demmer John
It’s my pleasure and hunter DB. Thank you for having me. I appreciate that you provide current information on the big picture for everyone. As we learn more about how the nuclear industry behave in other social economic and political structures, I believe our interaction can lead to a human chain reaction that can overcome the nuclear chain reaction and save our planet.
Libbe HaLevy
Let’s start out with a little bit about you. What is your background and how did you become involved in nuclear issues
Pienaar Demmer John
About how I got involved in the moment? Well, I studied economics at the university and I have always been attending environment to protest when Fukushima nuclear disaster happens. I was working as an other thing, chief at the Japanese company. I remember how this parade, I felt in the face of the Roger active disaster that happens in Japan, where I leave for a while. Then I started to question my mission in this life feeling settled for Fukushima. I was also expecting to hear the cancellation of the accrual nuclear project for which an inter-governmental agreement was signed with Russia in 2010. But on the contrary, the government declared that the upcoming project was to be continuing moreover, another nuclear power plant project was announced to be established at the cost of plexi Encino, which is located in the north and is one of the most natural places in Turkey for CNO nuclear power plant project.
Pienaar Demmer John
The government signed an entire inter-governmental every month with Japan. These two developments faced me with my priorities. It was a time when I changed my life by becoming a freelancer to earn more time, rather than earning money as a person with proficiency in writing and speaking Japanese, I felt a kind of responsibility to reveal facts about Fukushima and establish a bridge between the antinuclear movements of Tokyo. Japan. Since I was aware that the Japanese language could provide original information from witnesses of Fukushima and NGO in Japan, I took that my contribution could support the project in Turkey sooner. I started a network of Japanese activists. I also got in touch with environmental organizations in Turkey and volunteered for green port association in English. I say bikeway, where I was asked to volunteer as coordinator of nuclear forces before again in English means nuclear free project, move the sun. And I became a great team at performed presentations for three years, about the consequences and reasons of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. During these years, I also got involved in the anti-nuclear movement, more in Turkey, thinking on the nuclear chain, we local power relations in this male, liberal capitalist, my research interests, gray, bigger on nuclear risk and social moment as my activism and academic perspective have been feeding each other. I decided to make a PhD in sociology later.
Libbe HaLevy
What type of government does Turkey have and how does that impact nuclear projects?
Pienaar Demmer John
Well, as you cover in your program, nuclear power plants are associated with many risks due to their potential for accidents, operation failures, and installable waste processes. One, these risks happen to be real and turn into danger. They may lead to has ideas, ecological consequences, which can not feel limited. Eight are geographically or temporarily, but some circumstance increased. The likelihood of the risks ran the voice of civil society, organizations and scientific review of independent experts are ignored because one, there is no democracy. It means that there is no auditing function. In other words, there’s no control of society over the government. We can say, or accordingly nuclear power plant projects in Turkey can be even as an example of how risks can be doubled or tripled due to the political, economical and social facts of the country. Indeed what’s may have been experiencing in Turkey since 2010 Vanda inter-governmental agreement is totally full of examples of how the civil society was kept also of the decision-making process of the nuclear power plant project.
Libbe HaLevy
What is the government stated policy towards nuclear
Pienaar Demmer John
Awkward nuclear power plants actually is located at the coast of the Mediterranean and is the most progressing nuclear project in Turkey and go into our governmental agreement, passed, followed by a reactor for, for the actors. The type of the reactor is Navy yard, 1,200 it’s called generation plus three plus no. So this will be made to be a build own operate model. We say in like B O, which means as a restaurant site, the reactors will be two owner and they will never have they, I mean the Russia side will never have less than 81% of shares. So they still, 100% of its shares belongs to Russia, which means even the construction area was given a totally free to Russia. The civil society directly protested the entire governments of eczema. I can’t say, but the type of the agreement they don’t oppose through the constitution, like only 1 58 of them were accused of opposing the government’s decision, but the opposition was not avoidable by police or gender mom just one month after the explosions at Fukushima chain of 139 kilometers bus performed between Mersin city center and awkward nuclear power plant site. So everyone from wherever they were and just got in hand-in-hand in the same year, green peace made this survey and the opposition against the Aqua project was about 75%. There’s only two open court cases, true and Myron until impact assessment. This practice opposition, besides I should say that even during the environmental impact assessment processes, the civil society, I mean the public was ignored and public hearings were not performed properly.
Pienaar Demmer John
The societal organization, approximately 82 of them filed 13 lawsuits against the approval of environmental impact assessments. All of them were rejected. We thought any expiring and reasonable explanation on the day of the final court case for this environmental impact assessment approval of this assessment, the precedent set up nuclear project will be realized no matter what Tom environments or post finally, the environmental impact assessment was approved. And Dr. Constructions started in 2018. And now we hear that there are problems during the construction such as cracks, water leakage and explosion. Actually there’s some clear,
Libbe HaLevy
That’s what I’d like to talk about next, the Akula nuclear power plant recently experienced an explosion that was recorded as 1.2 on the Richter scale. What can you tell us about that?
Pienaar Demmer John
The exclusion which happens at the construction site on the 19th of January is the proof of the unfairness that they have been experiencing since 2010 and as signed off worse accidents to happen soon when the explosion broke the windows of the houses and cars in the neighbor who though up your MPP style, it was recorded, as you said, 1.2 earthquake. But according to the statements, given by Madison governorship and MPP ground operation was carried off in a plant manner. At first, the explosive operation, I mean that dynamic explosion actually dynamic kind of blast was tall as it was for road construction. Then we heard another explanation such as it was made for the construction of a fabric hoses for workers, which will be used for the accommodation of employee. This different statement shows that there was a challenge to direct our perception to something else, then a reactor construction, but even it becomes an incident with the niece of two people were injured and taken to the hospital. We cannot mention about the plant operation anymore.
Pienaar Demmer John
It was planned, it became controlled. It was obvious that the MPP management, because according to the exclusion, this kind of dynamic less thing regulation, and didn’t make a warning to the villagers who were just two kilometers away. The medicine antinuclear platform and non-governmental organization, including various professional association, parliament members from relatively left-wing parties, actually practice sharply and criticized.. What more can you tell us about who you project the nuclear power plant project is Elan harmful ecologically, but it’s construction today. Is it damages the nature and specify in 10 hectares, aria, even before it starts the operation, the environment of Felicia, even during the construction words mentioning, I can say that almost 6,000 employees are on site, which turns the MPP into a town without any infrastructure. Right? I raised this issue for the first time in my article in 2019 November, even the sewage in two camps is guided discharged to the stream water without any, any treatment system and the pollution riches see, besides the increase in worker population, they also stopped villagers in this Butte Edgerly village.
Pienaar Demmer John
Actually I say villagers, but is there is no social facility for workers afterwards. I mean, the workers usually resist the villagers and vitamins and this stop them is a company that doesn’t care about environmental issues. Also doesn’t care about the head of the employees in terms of COVID-19 during the pandemic, there was news that upward MPP was unfair and irresponsible to its workers and didn’t apply necessary. Precaution. Everyday employees are forced to take the crowded terrorists bus and eat in cafeteria, physically close one. After the other, the reason for making no change to the construction schedule is that the government has been promoting this project for the date of 29th, October of 2023, which will be the hundredth anniversary of the Turkish Republic, despite economical and social problems of the country covering even the first reactor is used as a symbol of powered by the president to attract the nationalist minded people who associate having nuclear power, the power of the country in the MPP, the workers had, and occupational safety is ignored.
Pienaar Demmer John
And in modern month is ignored finally naked because of nature naked because of human life naked consists of risk and quality will inevitably end in a nuclear disaster. But the nuclear project itself is like breath for the freedom and peace of the country, because the MPP enables Russia to power form its historical dream by reaching the warm sea, the Mediterranean and being the owner of the MPP. Russia got a military base in Turkey and became able to control the Mediterranean look at the Mediterranean. And today there is a power war between countries and Russia has another attempt to have a nuclear power plant project across the other side of the Mediterranean Russia made and entire governmental agreement with Egypt, for the BARR, MPP Russia against poverty. We are, it’s a nuclear power project by making use of the desire of authoritarian regimes. A similar approach is visible in the middle east, which is by the United States, Russia and Korean nuclear power technology.
Pienaar Demmer John
The cost of the aqui project was actually, it was announced like $2.2 billion and Russian banks are now financing the construction for now, but no wonder there is a benefit for Russia with a 15 year purchase agreement for 50% of the portal power, which will be sold at a guaranteed price for the first 15 years, the risk to be sold on the market currency fluctuation and the fall in the value of the Turkish Lira also make the price guarantee at least higher for us, the guaranteed price, which is 2.2 or two, five states dollar cents is also a very problematic when it’s compared with the level of renewable energy price. It’s 4 cents. Although Turkey has the potential of producing 48 megawatts for wind energy, but using the only percentage of this potential and has 185,000 megawatt production potential for solar energy, but using only 28 percentage of it. And currently the level in the products produced in energy is only around 6% for solar energy, but this Turkey doesn’t need electricity as its electricity consumption. Its electricity consumption is almost half of its installed power.
Libbe HaLevy
What other nuclear projects are currently being pursued in Turkey specifically? Can you tell us about the scene up project?
Pienaar Demmer John
Yes. The other nuclear project is, as you saying it took its cost and was a plant 4,560 megawatt power plant of four units, reactor design. We are an entire government. So agreements signed with Japan in 2013, the will to be sold for 10 point 83 cents in, in us dollars. This price is our all day and it’s proclaimed with our turkeys distribution company. This price will be paid for 20 years for the construction and aria oh 10 square kilometer was the poorest by cutting almost 1,000,003, but on the Japanese side, the reactor agreement was time with Mitsubishi and the cost budget was increased from 20 billion to 44 billion United States dollars in January, 2019. The president of Mitsubishi, the company was to withdraw from the nuclear deal after the withdrawal of the Japanese side and in my assessments. But approach changed. It is part there’s no maker, no exact reactor type force, you know, MPP, but there was a missional three as the reference reactor, although no comments have been made neither from the government of origin maker.
Pienaar Demmer John
You think the opportunity to heard by activists all around the world, I do have a question here. Can somebody tell me how an entire government agreement can be valid and remain is the first necessary step of a nuclear project after the withdrawal of it all maker company. I raised this question to an expert before, but was not satisfied with the answer. If this entire government of every month can still be valid after the withdrawal of the maker and its government that this agreement, this inter-governmental agreement has no meaning, but here, another question comes if it has no meaning and entire government, so agreeable can avoid ism, posing it during public hearings of the environmental impact assessment of the snap project, seventeens and court cases were opened against them. Just like it happened during the environmental impact assessment of Aquia MPP
Libbe HaLevy
With the government not being a democracy. What do you have to do to get your information?
Pienaar Demmer John
The AKA P which is the leading government also today changed institutionally forces and established turkeys regulatory agency. We are just before Turkey shifted from the parliamentary system. So the president to a regime in 2018 Turkish atomic energy agency, which was relatively independent of governmental organizations, used to be the authority for all processes of nuclear project. Roger activity relate to the accident cases, but they are all taken under the roof of nuclear regulatory address, which is consisted of five members. And the highest level official is the president while its members are assigned by the press and are the only decision makers regarding radiation, those limits court case issues in terms of exposing radiation, for example, and anything else related to nuclear power. Two years later, the establishment of the Turkish energy, nuclear mining research institution, also polo to facilitate the research and technical function of the former Turkish atomic energy agency.
Pienaar Demmer John
I made a comparison between finance regulatory. So T U K, just for an example, there’s a big gap between it’s a T UK let’s say is independent of the government, but in Turkey, the head is the president. And we cannot mention segregation of duties in this kind of government related organization in Turkey, despite its wide range of tasks. We have never heard any explanation from the nuclear regulatory agency of Turkey Nadir about the explosion at Aquia MPP, nor real radioactive problems, right? There’s no operating if there are power plants, but there’s a nuclear base problem, which has been raised by parliament members, civil society, public, or organizations and journalists, including me.
Libbe HaLevy
What other radioactive pollution related problems are there in Turkey? You wrote about the Gaza mirror case. Tell us about that.
Pienaar Demmer John
Kasi mirror is one of the 30 districts of Izmir. And unfortunately, as you cook night is charitable of Izmir due to the nuclear waste that remained in the soil for decades. The nuclear waste was detected on the grounds of a neat factory in 2006, but the factory moved away to another district or Izmir for the pollution. The company was to pay the highest and Meyerland penalty of 5.7 million Turkish Lira, which is equal to something like 600,000 us dollars today. It was also confirmed by the Turkish atomic energy agency that nuclear waste had been buried in the field of factory and material under the soil was defined as European 1 5, 2 with half-life all 13 years, which can be point in new nuclear, but all those seven years have no legal action taker. It’s a distance of 75 to 100 meters from two primary school with over 1000 to them attending each.
Pienaar Demmer John
It is located in the middle of the town, civil society organization, Colleen, no sweet in 2014 for the sake of public health and psychology. But the problem remains on salt as civil society is excluded from all Lego process. According to this statement by experts, the amount of the way 100,000 pounds. But today there are many effects such as gradual active slack for eSports to 250 or 300,000 tone. This is emerging due to the spread of contamination and Myron and urbanization in 2013 had also confirmed detection of Roxy slack and want the public against even using the grandfather for the risk of mixing into the ground water nuclear regulatory agency should immediately start the contamination process now, and Roger active slack should be removed and sent directly to the disposal facility.
Libbe HaLevy
What final thoughts do you have as we close out our time together?
Pienaar Demmer John
Is it fast status in the nuclear industry status report cost of solar power production decreased about 89% and our production costs decreased about 70% on the culture. The nuclear power production costs increased by 13%. We cannot just watch how the world gets deployed, right? Especially in the climate crisis era, you must establish international solidarity. Also for those who are in lack of democracy,
Libbe HaLevy
Pienaar this has been an extraordinary experience learning about what’s happening on the other side of the world and especially the insights as to how Russia is positioning itself through its work with Turkey. I look forward to getting further reports from you. You stay safe, healthy well, and for now thank you for being my guest this week on nuclear hot seat.
Pienaar Demmer John
Thank you, Libby
Libbe HaLevy
We’ll have links to some of her work up on our website, nuclear hot seat.com. Under this episode, number 510
Libbe HaLevy
Beyond nuclear is providing a one week window of opportunity for us to view for no cost to anti-nuclear films, the beekeeper and 33 days of utopia they’re available to screen at home until April six and are co-sponsored by beyond nuclear, the Gerta Institute, DC and Heinrich boiled stiff tune DC. 33 days of utopia tells the story of how in May, 1980, more than 800 people lived near the gore Liban north Germany in free Republic of wind land, a protest camp. And they lived there for 33 days, thus preventing drilling of a planned nuclear waste repository. The other film, the beekeeper shows how Katie Hayward, the beekeeper of the film’s title have just seen a news report showing the expanded footprint of the proposed two reactor wife lobby nuclear power project on the island of angsley in north Wales. Hayward’s home, which her family has tenanted since 1532 was right in the plans.
Libbe HaLevy
Crosshairs. This was about Hayward’s fight to save her bees, her home and her rescue animals while her physical and mental health plummeted. It is a harrowing heartbreaking story of the ever expanding ILS created by the nuclear industry. There was also a discussion. It was live streamed with the filmmakers of both films, and we will link to that when it becomes available, we will link on this episode, nuclear hot seat, number 510 calling all artists. The new national radioactive waste coalition is looking for submissions for logos or logo ideas. This is an open competition to come up with a visual representation of this coalition of 37 environmental anti-nuclear and social environmental justice groups in the United States, which are tackling the ongoing problems of radioactive waste. Despite the fact that this is for a startup nonprofit organization and they operate on a shoe string, they’ve set aside $200 for the person who creates the winning logo.
Libbe HaLevy
And the top two runner ups will each receive $50. This competition runs until Friday, April 30th at midnight Pacific time. And if you want to submit your ideas, your doodles, or even a piece of finished artwork, we’ll have a link up on the website, nuclear hot seat.com again, episode 510. And speaking of episodes, we just got the latest numbers in the podcast rankings for nuclear hot seat in various markets around the world. And I’m happy to report that we’ve moved up all over the place with some new entries under business news podcasts in Japan, we ranked number 58 South Africa, which is new 45 Australia, which is new 42 Russia, 30. I wonder if they’re going to like this episode, France got 28 in the Republic of Korea, nuclear hot seat ranks, number 27 and in Ecuador, which is a new entry, we are number three under business news.
Libbe HaLevy
So understand that nuclear is an international issue. This is an international platform and people are listening around the world for those of you who helped us get to those ranks. Great. And now send the link out to at least two other people so they can join too. And we can start kicking those numbers even further north because the more they show up on the algorithms, the better the reach online, thanks to all of you for helping in any way you can. This has been nuclear hot seat for Tuesday, March 30th, 2021 material for this week show has been researched and compiled from nuclear-news.net to own renard.wordpress.com beyond nuclear international.com. The international campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons, cincinnati.com national radioactive waste coalition, the bulletin.org kcci.com 1940 five.com and that’s one nine numbers, and then spell out forty-five dot com AJU daily.com. bbc.com, Leonardo dicaprio.org news and guts.com.
Libbe HaLevy
Kyoto news.net asahi.com. KCTV five.com. Channel news, asia.com, english.honey.co dot K R France 20 four.com scientific american.com. And of course the captured and comprised by the industry. They’re supposed to be regulating nuclear regulatory commission. Thanks to all of you for listening at a shout out to nuclear hot seat listeners and followers around the world. 123 countries on six continents and counting, and we’re going to start a new count soon, cause I bet there are more countries in their nuclear hot seat is syndicated for broadcast in the United States through Pacifica audio port, it’s a free service. And if you know of a nonprofit community radio station that should be, or is interested in nuclear issues, let me know about them. Send an email to nuclear, hot seat.com with the station and where it’s located and an email address. If you’ve got it a name and a phone number would be great as well, but whatever you’ve got, send it to me, I will follow up because every time the show shows up, people respond people here and by broadcast, it gets to individuals who wouldn’t necessarily be looking for a specific podcast.
Libbe HaLevy
So if you know of a radio station where we’ve got some chance of getting some footage, let me know, we’ll get it up there to the best of our ability. Now, if you would like to have nuclear hot seat delivered by email every week. So you don’t miss a single episode, it’s easy. Go to nuclear, hot seat.com. Look for the yellow box. It’s on every page, put in your first name and email address and you will every week receive an email. As soon as the show posts with the link to that episode, you never have to miss an episode or go hunting for it ever again. We’re also a participatory democracy here within limits. And if you have a story lead, a hot tip or a suggestion of someone to interview, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll do what I can to follow up on it.
Libbe HaLevy
And for those of you who appreciate weekly verifiable news updates about nuclear issues around the world, take a moment, go to nuclear, hot seat.com and look for that big red button. Click on it, follow the prompt, help us out. Anything at all, helps. And we will really appreciate your support. This episode of nuclear hot seat is copyright 2021 Leiby Halevi at hardest street communications, all rights reserved, but fair use allowed. As long as proper attribution is provided. Hey mentioned the name of the show. If you can mention the website and you’re good to go, this is Leiby Halevi of heart history, communications, the heart of the art of communicating, reminding you that luck is a terrible safety plan. When it comes to a nuclear reactor, that’s it you’ve just had your nuclear wake-up call. So now the challenge don’t go back to sleep because we are all in the nuclear hot seat,
Claire hot seat. What are those people thinking? Nuclear hot seat. What have those boys been braking? Ms. Sinking? Our time to act is shrinking, but nuclear Hotsy it’s the bomb.