NH #647: NUCLEAR OHIO: Piketon/Portsmouth a Radioactive Waste Hub?  Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on “Deaf” Gov’t Nuke Shills

NH #647: NUCLEAR OHIO: Piketon/Portsmouth a Radioactive Waste Hub? Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on “Deaf” Gov’t Nuke Shills

Nuclear Ohio: A Radioactive Waste Hub? Mangano on Death Rates, Colley & Marida on Government Nuke Shills Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interviews: Cancer rates in the counties surrounding the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Piketon, Ohio, are the highest in that state and among the highest…