NH #676: The Nuclear Weapons/Nuclear Energy Connection, Costs, Fears – Alfred Meyer of PSR, Dr. Gordon Edwards

This Week’s First Featured Interview:

Alfred Meyer of Physicians for Social Responsibility, mid-Zoom interview

  • Alfred Meyer is a long-time member of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and has served variously as Executive Director of the PSR Wisconsin chapter, Board Member of PSR National, and President of PSR New York.  He co-authored a PSR/IPPNW critique of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report on the health effects of the radioactive releases from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. He has also founded, co-founded and/or served as an executive for half a dozen other major organizations dedicated to nuclear issues relating to Fukushima, Chernobyl, Ukraine, and the connection between proposed fusion weapons w/nuclear reactor infrastructure.

    I spoke with Alfred Meyer on December 23, 2022.
  • LINK to Alfred Meyer’s article in The Progressive: It’s All About the Bomb: Why civilian nuclear power is merely a cover for producing more nuclear weapons.

This Week’s Second Featured Interview:

Dr. Gordon Edwards, addressing the United Nations

  • Dr. Gordon Edwards is a mathematician, physicist, nuclear consultant, as well as president and co-founder of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, a not-for-profit corporation established in 1975. He has served as a consultant on nuclear issues for governmental and non-governmental bodies for over 45 years, and been accepted as an expert witness by US and Canadian courts and tribunals. He is frequently invited to testify before provincial and federal bodies, and to give major addresses in various countries. He also explains complex nuclear matters in a way that is easy to understand, for which I am deeply grateful. I spoke with Dr. Edwards on February 12, 2024.

What Scares Me Most about Nuclear:

Excerpts from last year’s Halloween feature: “What Scares Me Most about Nuclear.” I spoke with more than 30 activists and concerned citizens about what they found most frightening about nuclear. Here are just a few, from:

  • Jan Boudart – Nuclear Energy Information Service, Chicago (NEIS.org)
  • Kevin Hester – Veteran activist, New Zealand
  • Dr. Michael Ketterer – chemist, professor, researcher
  • Leona Morgan – Haul No (HaulNo.com)
  • Brian Morrison – space scientist

You can access the full Halloween special, with more than 30 different speakers on what scares people most about nuclear, by going to: Nuclear Hotseat #645