NH #605: Nuclear Energy = Nuclear Weapons – Change the Arguments! Alfred Meyer of PSR

NH #605: Nuclear Energy = Nuclear Weapons – Change the Arguments! Alfred Meyer

Alfred Meyer of Physicians for Social Responsibility being Zoomed by Libbe HaLevy
  • Alfred Meyer is a long-time member of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and has served variously as Executive Director of the PSR Wisconsin chapter, Board Member of PSR National, and President of PSR New York.  He co-authored a PSR/IPPNW critique of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) report on the health effects of the radioactive releases from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors. He has also founded, co-founded and/or served as an executive for half a dozen other major organizations dedicated to nuclear issues relating to Fukushima, Chernobyl, Ukraine, and the connection between proposed fusion weapons w/nuclear reactor infrastructure.

    I spoke with Alfred Meyer on December 23, 2022.

Links from Interview:

  • Alfred Meyer article from The Progressive in October-November, 2022: It’s All About the Bomb: Why Civilian Nuclear Power is Merely a Cover for Producing More Nuclear Weapons

Doomsday Clock – 90 Seconds to Midnight

  • The January 24, 2023 announcement of the resetting of the Doomsday Clock by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists – an annual event to help us gauge how close to Armageddon we really are. (Personally, I would have gone for 50 seconds, but then, The Bulletin seems to be far more conservative in pushing the panic button.)

Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):

If you’re a nuclear weapons producer/promoter and have all the money in the world – the world that you are positioning yourself to take out, once and for all, finito – why not throw yourself a 3-day party and call it a “summit?”


John LaForge (l), temporarily out of German prison for the celebration of the entry into force of law
of the United Nations Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, with Linda Pentz Gunter of Beyond Nuclear
the force behind Nuclear Hotseat’s Hot Story.