NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back – Alice Slater, Heidi Hutner, Alicia Sayres-Zakre, Susi Snyder

Nuclear Hotseat producer/Host Libbe HaLevy will be in New York next week for the United Nations’ 2nd Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. To remind you of what it took to get this far – 93 nations are now signatories and 69 states parties – we revisit four interviews on the journey to get this far… and what lies ahead.
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This Week’s Featured Interviews:
In preparation for my trip next week to cover the Second Meeting of States Parties for the Treaty on the Prohibit Nuclear Weapons, we take a look back a relevant interviews from the past eight years of work to ban nuclear weapons.
- From 2017 – Historic audio! Heidi Hutner, on-site at the United Nations, recorded within one hour of passage of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Since that time, Heidi has released the film she produced and directed, RADIOACTIVE: The Women of Three Mile Island, as well as continued as director of the Sustainability Studies Program at Stonybrook University.
- From 2020: Covid19/Nuclear Connection – Alicia Sanders-Zakre is the Policy and Research Coordinator at the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). She directs and coordinates research on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, and general nuclear weapons policy. Sanders-Zakre did the research that led to creation of the infographic below, which has electrified even mainstream media outlets. She joined us from her home in Geneva, Switzerland.

ICAN’s 2020 info graphic on what one year of the U.S. nuclear weapons budget would buy in terms of Covid supplies. To view a comparable graphics for the UK and France, go to ICAN page:
Nuclear Spending vs. Healthcare.
- From 2020: Alice Slater serves on the Board of Directors of World BEYOND War and is the UN NGO Representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Here, she is testifying before the New York City Council to convince them to sign onto the ICAN Cities Appeal. She only had two minutes, but provides a brilliant model of what can be accomplished in that brief span of time – and it’s a lesson in effective, persuasive public speaking. (PS – New York signed.)
- From 2015: Suzi Snyder is now the program coordinator at the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, where her responsibilities include facilitating the development and execution of ICAN’s key programs, including the management of ICAN’s divestment work and engagement with the financial sector. At the time this was recorded in 2015, Susi worked with PAX, a peace group based in The Netherlands, and with Don’t Bank on the Bomb, a brilliant program for forcing banks and pension funds to remove their investments from nuclear bomb manufacturing companies.
Related Links:
- Sign up for ICAN general emails
- Sign up for ICAN research/policy emails
- LINK to page w/infographics for covid equivalency
- Story behind the info-graphics on the cost of nuclear weapons vs. healthcare costs.
- Global doctors oped on Covid 19 and nuclear war
- Newsweek article on ICAN calculations on nuclear spending vs COVID supplies