NH #353: Three Mile Island: Yes People Died/Are Dying! – TMI 39th Anniversary SPECIAL

Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39

NOTE: I am traveling to TMI for events surrounding the 39th Anniversary.
As a result, donations to help me get there will be rewarded with the following bonuses: 

  • For $20, you will receive a quality facsimile of the LA Weekly article I wrote at the evacuation site that was published 3 weeks later PLUS an exclusive teleconference Q and A on nuclear issues.   
  • $100 or more, you will receive a signed first edition copy of my book, Yes, I Glow in the Dark.
  • $500 or more, you will receive all that plus a signed copy of the cover photo (one you’ve never see before) and an acknowledgement in the book for having helped me travel to what promises to be my final chapter. 

This week’s full-length
Three Mile Island 39th Anniversary SPECIAL
includes interviews with or information from:

  • Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Energy Education.
    Watch a video of Arnie Gundersen speaking about the accident
    at the 40th Anniversary of the founding of Three Mile Island Alert. 
  • Peter Bradford, who was a Commissioner at the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner  during the TMI accident.
  • Eric Epstein, Chair of Three Mile Island Alert at TMIA.org.
    Three Mile Island Alert’s Radiation monitoring at EFMR.org
  • Mary Stamos, long time Middletown resident and TMIA member
  • Walter Cronkite, anchor for the CBS Evening News at the time of TMI and known as “the most trusted newsman in America.  To view his CBS network reports on TMI click here.

  • Interviews with residents, doctors, activists, audio from inside TMI as the accident was happening, media reports, and more.
  • PLUS Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy’s personal story of having been one mile away from TMI while the accident was happening.  This is the subject of Libbe’s soon-to-be-published book, Yes, I Glow in the Dark!  One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Nuclear Hotseat. 

To get your free chapter, fill out the yellow form to the right.

Trajectory of the Radiation Plume released from Three Mile Island

Gratitude to filmmaker Robert (Robbie) Leppzer, producer of the two-hour audio documentary Voices from Three Mile Island (http://www.turningtide.com/voicesfromtmi.htm), for permission to use excerpts from that work in this program.

To hear an interview with Robbie Leppzer on Nuclear Hotseat #282, Click HERE .  That episode also contains a memorial to Dr. Steven Wing, who studied TMI’s radiation impact on health and was mentioned in Arnie Gundersn’s comments.  Dr. Wing died on November 9, 2016.

To Donate to help Libbe HaLevy get (back) to Three Mile Island
for the 39th Anniversary Events,

(And yes, that’s me in the photo below, at the Middletown neighborhood “hot spot,”
12 days after the TMI partial meltdown.)