NH #298: Radiation Road Signs, Nuclear Refugees, Government Cover-Ups – VOICES FROM JAPAN: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster turns Six

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This Week’s Feature:  VOICES FROM JAPAN

Nuclear Hotseat’s annual Fukushima Anniversary program on the ongoing nuclear disaster features VOICES FROM JAPAN – interviews with displaced residents from Fukushima Prefecture whose lives have been profoundly and irrevocably changed by the ongoing nuclear disaster.


  • Former Tomioka resident (5 miles from Fukushima) and anti-nuclear activist Setsuko Kida.
  • Photographer and former resident of Miharu Town in Fukushima, Shinshuu Hida.
  • “Voluntary evacuee” Noriko Matsumoto, formerly from Koriyama.
  • Attorney Yuuki Saito who is part of the legal team helping the town of Minimasoma sue the Japanese government.

Context and Perspective for VOICES FROM JAPAN provided by Guest Producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko.


FEATURED PHOTO CREDIT:  The Joban Highway (a.k.a. “Radioactive Highway”) in Fukushima Prefecture.  Radiation monitor indicates hourly radiation dose of 1.5 microsieverts per hour at that particular location.  There are nine radiation monitors along the Joban Highway. (photo courtesy of U.G. Kaneko)