NH #281: UN International Ethics Summit Needed – Japanese Ambassador Murata

This Week’s Featured Interview:

  • Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and an outspoken critic of Japan’s nuclear policies, has issued a statement calling for the United Nations to hold an “International Day for Global Ethics” in the wake of their resolution to negotiate a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.  The interview is an Encore Presentation of our conversation on Japan declaring an “honorable retreat” from the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, originally presented on Nuclear Hotseat #234, December 15, 2016.

Numnutz of the Week (for Nuclear Boneheadedness):

TEPCO is ending operations at the J-Village Complex in Fukushima Prefecture in March and is handing the facility back to resume its previous purpose… as training camp for the Japanese national soccer team.  Besides putting their world-class athletes in harm’s way (12-1/2 miles/20 kilometers from the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi and only 4-1/3 miles/7 kilometers from the Exclusion Zone), they will stop doing whole body monitoring of Fukushima workers for internal radiation exposure.  Way to go, TEPCO – two for one!

The Missing Links:

  • Sign on as individuals or organizations to the Joint Appeal opposing the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement:  http://nonukesasiaforum.org/japan/archives/217
    More information at:  No Nukes Asia Forum.
  • Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) free 3-webinar series on the Nuclear Fuel Chain:
    Thurs, Nov. 10, 2016 6pm to 7:30pm Mountain Time
    Centralized ‘Interim’ Storage [CIS] and Nuclear Transport Dangers.
    Presenters: Karen Hadden, SEED Coalition TX; Arjun Makhijani, IEER; Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear
    Click link to Register:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/regist…/8661573650468092419Thurs, Nov. 17, 2016 6pm to 7:30pm Mountain Time – Irradiated (‘spent’) Nuclear Fuel, High “Burnup,” Aging fuel, Characteristics and Dangers of Pools and Casks, Hardened On-Site Storage (HOSS), Reprocessing
    Presenters: Gordon Thompson, IRSS, Donna Gilmore, San Onofre Safety


    Click Link to Register:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/regist…/4295273338593027843Third seminar TBA.