NH #239: Patty Ameno’s Successful Anti-Nuclear Campaign
This Week’s Featured Interview:
- Patty Ameno grew up in Apollo, Pennsylvania, 35 miles NE of Pittsburgh… not realizing that her childhood home was directly across the street from the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation. NUMEC, in Parks Township, manufactured fuel for commercial nuclear power plants and the Navy’s nuclear submarines, leaving behind a legacy of uranium and plutonium waste that impacted the health of everyone in the area — including Patty. A trained investigator with Naval Investigative Service (NIS) and former U.S. Federal Criminal Investigator, Patty took on NUMEC, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Babcock & Wilcox and Atlantic Richfield… and won.
Listen Here:
Numnutz of the Week:
The Cedars of Minamisoma in Fukushima Prefecture are NOT appropriate building material for Japan’s main stadium for the 2020 Radioactive Tokyo NOlympics.
The Missing Links:
- LA’s Nuclear Cover-Up at Brandeis-Bardin Institute – the NBC Los Angeles investigation fact sheet.
- Since Prime Minister Shizo Abe-baby tightened his death grip on Japan’s media, it’s hard to find honest, un-spun coverage of the situation of Fukushima nuclear evacuees. An analysis of the differences from nuclear-news.net
- Feeding Radioactive Oatmeal t0 Little Kids – the U.S. governments secret experiments on children in the 1950’s.