NHt #138: USS Reagan Sailors v. TEPCO Lawsuit Update w/Attny Charles Bonner


USS Reagan sailors on deck trying to clean up radiation during Operation Tomadachi, their humanitarian aid mission to Fukushima immediately after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.  (Note the lack of protective gear.)

INTERVIEW: Attorney Charles Bonner, representing USS Ronald Reagan sailors harmed by Fukushima radiation, with an update on their lawsuit against TEPCO.  Now 79 named plaintiffs with cancers, tumors, blindness, wasting of limbs, internal bleeding and more face off w/power giant for medical expenses on behalf of 75,000 military personnel in Japan during the start of the Fukushima crisis.

NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  A lying professor claims you can eat 32 grams of plutonium… and not get sick!  And TEPCO has solicited Fukushima clean-up suggestions from experts around the world.  200 ideas being vetted… and implementation not expected or possible between 2020.  Just in time for the Olympics? 


  • Eight more children diagnosed with thyroid cancer in Fukushima while medical “experts” claim it has nothing to do w/Fukushima;
  • TEPCO admits their radiation data is “wildly wrong” as new sources of radiation leaks keep showing up;
  • Tokyo gets Abe-baby’s hand-picked pro-nuke misogynist Masuzoe as their new governor because anti-nuke vote got split;
  • Hawaii getting hit hard with ongoing radiation, starts to discover how long it’s been going on (HINT: longer than they’ve known);
  • California kayakers report Fukushima radiation on their boat bottoms;
  • Teen cancer cluster in LA suburb calls in Erin Brockovich, who needs to realize they’re just ten miles from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory, site of a 1959 nuclear meltdown and the largest radiation release in US history;
  • Imminent influx of radioactive Pacific water from Fukushima will leave radwaste residue on west coast beaches;
  • RadCAST radiation “weather report” with Mimi German.
  • …and more!

