NH #135: Fukushima On-the-Ground w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

Photos courtesy of Yuji Kaneko for use on Nuclear Hotseat website. Reproduction requires permission.
INTERVIEW: Beverly Findlay-Kaneko of Families for Safe Energy reports on the deeply human side of Fukushima following her recent trip back home. Learn how nuclear refugees cope with radiation and catch up with the heartbreaking story of former Fukushima resident Setsuko Kida, previously interviewed on Nuclear Hotseat #127.
To contact Beverly Findlay-Kaneko: https://www.facebook.com/FamiliesForSafeEnergy

Kida-san says that there is no way anyone can come back to a dangerous situation like this.
Photos courtesy of Yuji Kaneko for use on Nuclear Hotseat website. Reproduction requires permission.
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