NH #127: Nuclear Refugee Setsuko Kida

Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (L) and Setsuko Kida, mid-interview (via Skype) on Nuclear Hotseat
Beverly Findlay-Kaneko (L) and Setsuko Kida, mid-interview (via Skype) on Nuclear Hotseat.  Setsuko is holding a book of photographs on Fukushima by Munesuke Yamamoto that is banned from bookstores in Japan.


第127回のリビーハリビーのニュークリアホットシートは福島第一原発避難民木田節子さんへのインタビューです。 このリンクは日本人の為に日本語のみに編集したものです。 木田さんには原発事故発生時の経験や日本の原子力政策に反対する声を上げることになった経緯や今回のアメリカ訪問についてお話ししていただきます。 彼女は活動家のネットワークからの要請を受け、福島第一原発事故直後に空母ロナルドレーガンの乗組員が高レベルの放射線被曝をし健康被害を受けたとして東 京電力を訴えている件で彼らを支援するためにやってきました。


INTERVIEW:  Setsuko Kida, a “nuclear refugee” from Fukushima, lived midway between Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daiini when the nuclear disaster began in 2011.  She’s been in the U.S. to support the sailors of the USS Ronald Reagan in their lawsuit against TEPCO for health-destroying radiation contamination from Fukushima.  She tells a harrowing story of events in the immediate aftermath of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, then gives us a picture of activism in Japan in the face of presumed passage of the Secrecy Act.

Miki Bay, Shinshuu Hida, Setsuko Kida, Beverly Findlay-Kaneko, trip organizers Yumiko Kan and Vicki Nelson. — at San Diego Japanese Southern Baptist Church.
(L-R) Miki Bay, Shinshuu Hida, Setsuko Kida, Beverly Findlay-Kaneko, trip organizers Yumiko Kan and Vicki Nelson – at San Diego Japanese Southern Baptist Church.

LINK to Nuclear Hotseat #116 interview about Japanese activism with Beverly Findlay-Kaneko:


NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK:  Sir Paul McCartney?  Yep!

Sir Paul McCartney - Numnutz of the Week!


  • Japan Diet’s lower house passes State Secrets Protection Bill amid fears of growing fascism and censorship;
  • World’s engineers express concern over TEPCO’s attempts to remove fuel rods from Unit 4 spent fuel pool;
  • Unofficial reports (which will probably be banned under the Secrecy Act) show Fukushima worker deaths already over 4,000;
  • TEPCO president Hirose warns the world that nuclear energy is “not fully safe;”
  • Sen. Boxer boxes NRC’s MacFarlane over her agency’s refusal to release documents to senate committee investigation;
  • Sea animals massing in unprecedented numbers in California’s Monterrey Bay – trying to escape the Pacific Ocean and Fukushima’s radiation?


“Women of Fukushima”