NH #343: Hawaii Dress Rehearsal for Nuclear Hell + Fukushima update w/Nancy Foust, European Radiation w/Shaun McGee
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This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org, brings us up to date on the latest at Fukushima and the TEPCO/Japanese government attempts to clean up the site.
- Shaun McGee of Nuclear-News.net gets down to the nitty gritty on 2017 mystery radiation releases from Eastern Europe and some of the UK’s most difficult, ongoing radiation contamination issues.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Fight fire with fire? Pick your poison? “Neutralize” nuclear radiation with arsenic? What are those boneheads at the UK’s University of Sheffield drinking/smoking?
Missing Links:
- Alice Slater’s profound article for The Nation, “The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is Honored with a Nobel Peace Prize“
- Nuclear-News.net article on Deaths of Newborns Increased in Areas Irradiated by Fukushima Nuclear Disaster.
- To access Environmental Working Group’s interactive map on radiation contamination in US drinking water, CLICK ON THE MAP BELOW: