NH #310: Hanford, Hanford, Hanford! + Grand Canyon Uranium Contamination w/Alicyn Gitlin + US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty w/Mari Inoue
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
- Mari Inoue of Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World talks about the issues surrounding the US-Japan Nuclear Energy Cooperation Treaty – and why we really don’t want it to be renewed. LINK to information on the June 17, 2017 NYC protest of the proposed treaty renewal.
- Alicyn Gitlin coordinates the Campaign to Restore and Protect the Greater Grand Canyon Ecoregion Campaign for the Sierra Club Grand Canyon Chapter. (Originally recorded for Nuclear Hotseat #273, September 13, 2016.)
Numnutz of the Week:
OOPS! just doesn’t cut it when bad programming code takes a private nuke emergency exercise and literally broadcasts it on two counties worth of TV sets – #ReadyNJ indeed!: