NH #402: Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL #2: Activist Misao Redwolf, Journalist Carole Hisasue, Simply Info’s Nancy Foust, Nuclear Lecturer Dr. Caitlin Stronell, Filmmaker Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen
Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL: Japanese anti-nuclear activist Misao Redwolf
takes a stand at the Friday night Tokyo demonstrations against reactor restarts.
This Week’s Featured Interviews:
Fukushima Anniversary coverage on Nuclear Hotseat continues with a series of interviews with on-the-ground activists from Japan and those who assist their work in the U.S.
- Misao Redwolf is an Activist/Member and one of the founders of of the Metropolitan Coalition Against Nukes, which coordinated activist response after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In March 2012, at the one year anniversary, the Coalition began protesting the restart of Japanese nuclear power plants in front of the Prime Minister’s Residence (Kantei) on Friday nights. Interview produced, translated and voice over by Carole Hisasue.
Nuclear Hotseat interview with Misao Redwolf in Japanese – 首都圏反原発連合のMisao Redwolf: https://youtu.be/zqrR11UDAcI
Read the English language Japan Times article about Misao. - Carole Hisasue is a former journalist and media personality from Tokyo. Now, she is an anti-nuclear activist living in California, where she continues to write and work on media projects. Carole has attended the Friday night demonstrations in Tokyo many times, and filed this report exclusively to Nuclear Hotseat.
- Nancy Foust is Communications Manager and Research Team Member at SimplyInfo.org. Simply Info is a not for profit research collective that holds and manages the world’s largest public archive of data on the Fukushima disaster. This is the conclusion of our interview, the full length version of which is featured in Nuclear Hotseat #401 – February 26, 2019.
- Dr. Caitlin Stronell is an internationally-trained nuclear lecturer who is presently working as a researcher with the Japan-based Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center. She gives us a broader picture of the manipulation of Fukushima survivors and the difficulties they continue to face, eight years after having to evacuate their homes in the wake of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear triple meltdown.
- Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen, a Los-Angeles based member of the Fukushima Support Committee. Born and raised in Japan, Tsukuru graduated from a high school in Hiroshima, where 350 students lost their young lives on August 6, 1945 in the atom bomb explosion. She came to the U.S. at age 19 and considers it a life’s mission to be an active force to bring forth a nuclear-free future. Most recently, Tsukuru has been presenting presenting documentaries about Fukushima and its impact so audiences can see and hear for themselves what people in Japan are going through since the nuclear disaster began.
LOS ANGELES SCREENING: “Fukushima Voices” by Toshikuni Doi
1-5 p.m. includes post-film Q&A
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Art Share LA, 801 East Fourth Place, Los Angeles, 90013To book a screening of “Fukushima Voices,” contact Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen at: [email protected]
- “A-2, B, C” is the film by Ian Thomas Ash cited by Tsukuru. It reveals radiation risks to children and damage to their thyroids following the start of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Interview with filmmaker as well as more information on children and Fukushima radiation risks with Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko can be found in Nuclear Hotseat #178 from November 18, 2014.
Fukushima children show off their radiation dosimeters.