NH #698: PT. 2 – Dirty Secrets of Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change – Datesman, Brugge
This Week’s Featured Interview
Part 2 of a talk with Doug Brugge and Aaron Datesman, authors of a brilliant new book, Nuclear Power in an Era of Climate Change. Last week was Part 1. This week, we focus on new information about the health dangers of so-called “permitted” radiation releases from operating nuclear reactors in easily understood science.
- Dr. Doug Brugge is an endowed professor and chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of Connecticut. He has published extensively about the social and health consequences of uranium mining.

Doug Brugge
- Aaron Datesman is a researcher, mathematician, and inventor who has held technical roles at the U.S. Department of Energy and as an engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Aaron Datesman
ICAN Update with Alistair Burnett of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
- The importance of the United Nations call to form a 21-member science panel to report on the effects of nuclear war.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
Ex-Fox News host Tucker Carlson claims that demons are at fault for creating the nuclear bomb… and he’s not talking metaphorically. Trying out new White House talking points…?
Favorite Story of the Week:
Mark Zuckerberg AI data center plans derailed by… THE KILLER BEES! (No, really!)

The late John Belushi as a Killer Bee on Saturday Night Live.
- ICAN Australia new 20-page report on the intersections between climate change and nuclear weapons.
- AP report on Aging Nukes: A 4-Part Investigative Series by Jeff Donn:
- UK says it voted against UN nuclear war panel because consequences already known