NH #702: Combating Nuclear Greenwashing -Physicist and Atomic Chanteuse Lynda Williams

This Week’s Featured Interview:

Physicist and Activist Lynda Williams – a foe of nuclear greenwashing
Lynda Williams is a Hawaii-based physicist, activist, writer and performance artist – AKA The Physics Chanteuse. She battles against nuclear greenwashing (aka lying) with public presentations, lectures, theatre, and a ferocious activist spirit. Lynda is bringing her new one woman show, ATOMIC CABARET, to the 2025 Edinburgh International Festival this spring. Think of her as Bette Midler meets Carl Sagan, with a touch of Tom Lehrer and Mae West — but understand that underlying her musical theatre irreverence, her science background is rock solid and when she talks about nukes, she’s dead serious.
Here, she brings us new insights into a strategy for fighting against nuclear industry greenwashing disinformation (aka “propaganda”) and how other countries, including Canada, are fighting back using readily available media tools. These techniques are not yet being implemented in the U.S., but can be – and soon!
I spoke with Lynda Williams on November 24, 2024.
Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness):
- FEMA keeps trying to tell us that “shelter in place” will allow us all to survive a nuclear bomb attack <LOL!>.
- Writer and veteran activist Noel Wauchope points out the futility of staging 30″ wide nuclear reactors under major cities. I mean, what could go wrong?
Noel Wauchope’s Substack LINK: “SMRs underground – long drop nuclear toilets? – a chance to use that beaut new word – enshittification“

Writer and activist Noel Wauchope
THE NUCLEAR RESISTER with Jack Cohen-Joppa
- Fifty years ago, in a classic case of civil disobedience, a young anti-nuclear activist toppled a tower and blazed a trail through the courtroom that nuclear resisters have followed ever since.
The ICAN UPDATE with Alistair Burnett, Direct from Geneva

The ICAN logo
The monthly ICAN UPDATE with Alistair Burnett, covering the past month’s progress on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and some of what the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons has planned leading up to its meetings at the United Nations in March.
Don’t Bank on the Bomb – Susi Snyder
Wanna help stop nuclear weapons? It’s as easy as a phone call to your bank – no minimum deposit required! Susi Snyder once again fills us in on the highly successful Don’t Bank on the Bomb program.
- Holtec: Criminality, Corruption, Incompetence, and Inexperience – Compiled by Kevin Kamps,Nuclear Waste Watchdog, Beyond Nuclear.
- I wanted to run this Tom Lehrer song, SO LONG MOM, at the end of the show, but was unable to get a clean MP3 recording of this PUBLIC DOMAIN song. Digital gremlins spoiling all the fun. So here’s a video of the song from Youtube. Enjoy! After 50 years, Lehrer is still the most spot-on voice to help us sing our way to Armageddon. (CLICK ON IMAGE)