NH #49: Umi Hagitani – The Japan Connection, and NRC’s Jaczko Resigns

Japanese interpreter/anti-nuke activist Umi Hagitani talks about the real concerns of the Japanese people and her experiences translating for Fukushima survivors who addressed U.S. anti-nuke demos and the media. Plus: NRC’s Jaczko resigns his Chairmanship; Sen. Barbara Boxer goes after Southern California Electric over sidestepped licensing amendment for steam generator design changes; Alaska Senator Begich…

NH #48: Radiation Remediation w/Mushrooms, Hemp, Nanotechnology

Play Here: Download Here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/2f9556c5-0532-961f-b3a4-bf4e37bf3aaa.mp3   Long time activist Elise Longhi shares info on how to get radiation out of the soil using mushrooms and hemp, out of water using nano technology that already exists, then reveals shocking information on long-suppressed research by physicist Dr. Roy that actually neutralized radioactive cesium and strontium!  Why is…

NH #42 – Foodchain Safety Issues w/Kimberly Roberson & Mary Beth Brangan

Terrific food safety interview w/Kimberly Roberson of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network and Mary Beth Brangan of Ecological Awareness Network.  Learn about the increasing dangers posed to our food supply by the radiation from Fukushima, as well as what you can do to boost your health and resist the effects of radiation. Plus: Radiation in Fukushima…

NH #39 for March 13, 2012 – 1st Anniversary of Fukushima, San Onofre Demonstration

On the first anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami and the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster: Special audio report from the March 11 San Onofre anti-nuke demo; Interviews with two survivors of Tohoku quake, tsunami and ongoing Fukushima Daiichi disaster, direct from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, who were speaking at the…

NH #38 – Meeting w/CA Top Aide to Governor, March 11 Demos at San Onofre

Report on anti-nuke activists meeting w/CA Gov. Jerry Brown’s senior aide; this weekend’s demonstrations at San Onofre features two Japanese survivors of the Tohoku earthquake, tsunami, and resulting nuclear disaster at Fukushima; transcript of NRC audio quashing US National Labs monitoring of radiation the day after the earthquake – OUTRAGEOUS! LA area cesium levels found…

NH #35: Arnie Gunderson + Greenpeace = Nuclear Info You Can Believe

Here’s the latest from Arnie Gunderson and Fairewinds, done in conjunction with Greenpeace. Fairewinds was retained by Greenpeace to write a chapter of their newly released report entitled “The Echo Chamber: Regulatory Capture and the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster”. Fairewinds concludes that Fukushima Daiichi was not just a nuclear accident; rather, for decades it was a…

NH #18: September 6, 2011

Today’s Nuclear Hotseat Podcast: North Anna’s operators caught in a lie about quake-readiness of that plant, even as they break ground for reactor #3; Fukushima radiation levels for workers more than 10 times too high; Interview with Dr. Robert Gould of Physicians for Social Responsibility on radiation dangers; Report on Vermont’s nuclear sanity – a…

NH #16: Ma Nature vs. the Nukes – North Anna, Brunswick, Quakes and Hurricane Irene

An olde commercial from the 1970’s showed Mother Nature getting ticked off at some margarine that tasted to her like butter.  “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature,” she warned, and at the stretch of her arms created a raging thunderstorm. Today it’s not margarine, it’s nuclear power plants that seem to be the object…