NH #706:  SPECIAL – NUCLEAR NUMNUTZ OF THE YEAR 2024!  Plus ICAN Report from Geneva on Nobel Peace Prize and Nuclear Weapons Ban

NH #706: SPECIAL – NUCLEAR NUMNUTZ OF THE YEAR 2024! Plus ICAN Report from Geneva on Nobel Peace Prize and Nuclear Weapons Ban

This Week’s SPECIAL Year-End Feature: Numnutz of the Year! It’s been a year, all right, with plenty of Numnutzery to go around. We look back on 2024 through the lens of Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness) – the nuclear stories that made no sense, defied logic, infuriated me, touched my “Despair” button,…

NH #680: Nat’l Nuclear Activism & Messaging Strategies – ReThink Media’s Mac Hamilton, Ploughshares Fund’s Bonnie Fisk

NH #680: Nat’l Nuclear Activism & Messaging Strategies – ReThink Media’s Mac Hamilton, Ploughshares Fund’s Bonnie Fisk

A symbol of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Anti-nuclear activists are often isolated from each other because we focus on what’s most important to us – a local issue with radioactive waste dump, or uranium mining, or weapons, or a spike in health…

NH #680:  Nat’l Nuclear Activism & Messaging Strategies – ReThink Media’s Mac Hamilton, Ploughshares Fund’s Bonnie Fisk

NH #680: Nat’l Nuclear Activism & Messaging Strategies – ReThink Media’s Mac Hamilton, Ploughshares Fund’s Bonnie Fisk

A symbol of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Anti-nuclear activists are often isolated from each other because we focus on what’s most important to us – a local issue with radioactive waste dump, or uranium mining, or weapons, or a spike in health…

NH #664:  Keep Your Money Out of Nukes! Anti-Nuclear Financial Fitness w/Domini’s Mary Beth Gallagher

NH #664: Keep Your Money Out of Nukes! Anti-Nuclear Financial Fitness w/Domini’s Mary Beth Gallagher

This Week’s Featured Interview: Mary Beth Gallagher Links mentioned during the interview: Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter A Hollywood letter calling for an end to nuclear weapons was the initiative of an organization that promotes nuclear power. No two thumbs up to that. And here’s a LINK to Linda Pentz Gunter’s article on this…

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) new Executive Director, Melissa Parke (L) interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): So many numnutz to choose from! The Congressional “comprehensive” 160-page review of nuclear arms build-up that doesn’t mention “waste” even once, or Atoms4Food <!>?…

NH #655:  Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

NH #655: Nuclear Weapons: US Stages Nukes in Non-Nuclear European States – John LaForge + UN TPNW Follow-Up

This Week’s Featured Interviews: A round-up of short featured interviews by outstanding anti-nuclear campaigners. Dr. Ivana Hughes, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge The Nukewatch Report with John LaForge will appear once a month on Nuclear Hotseat. Nuclear Hotseat Hot Story with Linda Pentz Gunter The nukesters head-hunt Linda Pentz…

NH #651: TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN

NH #651: TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN

TPNW SPECIAL, Pt. 2: US Congressman, Int’l Gov’t Reps Support Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty at UN (l-r) State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa, MA; US Congressional Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts; Bill Kidd, member of Scottish Parliament; Frank Cownie, Mayor of Des Moines, Iowa. After a press conference on the steps of the United Nations building. Keystone…

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back

NH #648: TPNW SPECIAL: UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Nuclear Hotseat Looks Back – Alice Slater, Heidi Hutner, Alicia Sayres-Zakre, Susi Snyder This Week’s TPNW SPECIAL: Nuclear Hotseat producer/Host Libbe HaLevy will be in New York next week for the United Nations’ 2nd Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty on the…