NH #659: Nuclear Clean-Up Lies, Tricks & Secrets – It’s all the same! Melissa Bumstead on Santa Susana Field Lab in CA, Vina Colley on Piketon/Portsmouth in Ohio

NH #659: Nuclear Clean-Up Lies, Tricks & Secrets – It’s all the same! Melissa Bumstead on Santa Susana Field Lab in CA, Vina Colley on Piketon/Portsmouth in Ohio

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Vina Colley – Portsmouth/Piketon Residents for Environmental Safety and Security Melissa Biumstead – Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab Burn pit at Santa Susana Filed Labs Area 1, which was supposed to begin on Monday, Feb. 5 but was delayed by the massive rainstorm and flooding. Historical photo from Parents Against…

NH #658: Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim RadWater in MA – Diane Turco

NH #658: Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim RadWater in MA – Diane Turco

Int’l Uranium Film Festival Coming to US, Canada! – Norbert Suchanek + Holtec Illegally Evaporating Pilgrim Radwater in MA – Diane Turco This Week’s Featured Interviews: (l-r) International Uranium Film Festival Co-founders and Directors Marcîa Gomes de Oliviera and Norbert Suchanek, and Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy at the 2023 IUFF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil…

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

NH #656: Nobel Peace Prize-winning ICAN’s New Exec. Director Melissa Parke, Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) new Executive Director, Melissa Parke (L) interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): So many numnutz to choose from! The Congressional “comprehensive” 160-page review of nuclear arms build-up that doesn’t mention “waste” even once, or Atoms4Food <!>?…

Anti-Nuclear Nun Sister Megan Rice

NH #652: HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Peace Hero Sr. Megan Rice on Y12/US “Uranium Fort Knox” Protest Break-In – A Nuclear Hotseat Classic

This Week’s Special Year-End Interviews: Let’s end the year with inspiration from the late Sr. Megan Rice and a way to effectively fight back against nukes with Susi Snyder of ICAN. Sister Megan Rice Susi Snyder: What You Can Do to Help De-Fund Nuclear Weapons

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for UN 2nd Meeting of States Parties on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW)

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for UN 2nd Meeting of States Parties on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW)

NH #650: EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Int’l Activists Gather in NYC for A Week of UN Meetings on Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty (TPNW) This Week’s EXCLUSIVE REPORT on the UN Meetings of States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Interviewees:

WHO Chernobyl Vigil

NH #648 – Back after the Hack – Alison Katz on World Health Organization’s Lies about Chernobyl

What’s been going on… Hi All. I’m still in NYC for the United Nations 2nd Meeting of States Parties on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The trip and what I’ve been able to learn and cover has been extraordinary, but tech has been a disaster. This Week’s Featured Interview: Independent W.H.O.’s…

NH #645:  BOO! Nuclear Halloween! “What Scares Me Most About Nuclear…” – 35 Activists Share Their Nightmares.

NH #645: BOO! Nuclear Halloween! “What Scares Me Most About Nuclear…” – 35 Activists Share Their Nightmares.

Halloween SPECIAL: BOO! “What Scares Me Most About Nuclear…” – 35 Activists Share Their Nightmares Special feature: Halloween is supposed to be a scary holiday, and I can think of nothing scarier than nuclear. So I talked with some people who know a thing or two about nuclear to find out what about it scares…

NH #644: Nat’l Monument Loophole Still Allows Grand Canyon Uranium Mining!  Leona Morgan of Haul No

NH #644: Nat’l Monument Loophole Still Allows Grand Canyon Uranium Mining! Leona Morgan of Haul No

Nat’l Monument Loophole Still Allows Grand Canyon Uranium Mining! Leona Morgan of Haul No This Week’s Featured Interview: Numnutz of the Week for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness: Why do people continue to think that being a tourist on a radioactive nuclear explosion site is a good idea? Selfies at the Trinity site Links: