NH #141: Shocking Cancer Stats @Diablo Canyon w/Dr. Jerry Brown

Libbe HaLevy’s Nuclear Memoir Ebook  #1 in Category on Amazon Kindle 3 Days in a Row! Buy it here: http://amzn.to/1llNo2w INTERVIEWS: Dr. Jerry Brown, director of the Safe Energy Project for the Santa Barbara-based World Business Academy, talks about the new study commissioned from esteemed epidemiologist Joseph Mangano.  It reveals shocking cancer statistics in counties…

NH #139: Carlsbad WIPP Radiation Leak w/watchdog Don Hancock + Indian filmmaker Pradeep Indulkar

BREAKING NEWS:  Sister Megan Rice sentenced to 2 years, 11 months for peaceful protest at the Y-12 nuclear weapons site at Oak Ridge, Tennessee.  Co-defendants get 5 yrs. 2 months each.  Details on next week’s Nuclear Hotseat #140.  INTERVIEWS: Don Hancock of the Southwest Research and Information Center on the fire and radiation release at…

NHt #138: USS Reagan Sailors v. TEPCO Lawsuit Update w/Attny Charles Bonner

USS Reagan sailors on deck trying to clean up radiation during Operation Tomadachi, their humanitarian aid mission to Fukushima immediately after the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.  (Note the lack of protective gear.) INTERVIEW: Attorney Charles Bonner, representing USS Ronald Reagan sailors harmed by Fukushima radiation, with an update on their lawsuit against TEPCO. …

NH #136: DC Smackdown! Resnikoff on NRC/High Burn-up Fuel, NIRS’ D’Arrigo on EPA/Radiation

INTERVIEWS:  First-hand reports on the recent meetings between  anti-nuclear activists and top level reps of the NRC, EPA and Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Dr. Marvin Resnikoff, Senior Associate at Radioactive Waste Management Associates, has been an international consultant on radioactive waste management for decades.  He met with NRC Chair Alison Macfarlane and Commissioners…

NH #135: Fukushima On-the-Ground w/Beverly Findlay-Kaneko

INTERVIEW:  Beverly Findlay-Kaneko of Families for Safe Energy reports on the deeply human side of Fukushima following her recent trip back home.  Learn how nuclear refugees cope with radiation and catch up with the heartbreaking story of former Fukushima resident Setsuko Kida, previously interviewed on Nuclear Hotseat #127. To contact Beverly Findlay-Kaneko: https://www.facebook.com/FamiliesForSafeEnergy NUMNUTZ OF…

NH #134: NIRS New Head Tim Judson + India’s Kumar Sundaram

http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/f6d50b6e-8387-69b7-4fb0-1dd602808c06.mp3  INTERVIEW:  Long-time anti-nuclear activist Tim Judson took over as Executive Director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) on the first of the year.   Hear what this long-time anti-nuclear activist sees as the strategies our movement can use against entrenched, monied nuclear interests, as well as a fascinating revelation about Entergy that exposes…

NH #133: SKY NOT FALLING! Debunking False Info w/Bonner of Safecast, German of RadCast

INTERVIEWS:  The holiday season saw rumors flying about Fukushima, radiation and elevated dangers in the U.S.  Wildly exaggerated claims got picked up by mainstream media and had people panicking.  Nuclear Hotseat gets to the root of the problems with Sean Bonner, one of the founders of Safecast.  He talks about how a radiation reading can…

NH #132: WHO/IAEA Unholy Alliance w/Alison Katz

INTERVIEW:  Special Encore presentation of Alison Katz of Independent WHO (World Health Organization) on how the International Atomic Energy Alliance (IAEA) censors WHO’s nuclear information and distorts the world’s understanding of nuclear radiation dangers.  Alison dissects the history, politics and manipulations of the “Unholy Alliance” between the agency we’re supposed to trust to safeguard the…

NH #130: Friends of the Earth’s Australian Nuke Campaigner Dr. Jim Green

Japanese National Cancer Institutecomic book telling kids thathalf of them will get cancer…and they need to practice “prevention.”  Like what?  Smiling? This Week’s Featured Interview: Dr. Jim Green is Nuclear Campaigner for Friends of the Earth in Australia.  What’s that country’s culpability for Fukushima?  How does the country function as a “nuclear umbrella” for the…