NH #431: NUCLEAR UPDATE: TMI Closure, San Onofre Waste Nightmare Continues, Nuclear Weapons in Washington State, Uranium Mining in Saskatchewan

NUCLEAR UPDATE: Three Mile Island Alert billboard states the plain and ugly truth about the radioactive waste left behind – that closing the reactors is only the first step in an endless process. Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear UPDATE by frontline activists on nuclear fuel chain issues around North America: Eric Epstein,…

NH #427: Radioactive Canada UPDATE: Dr. Gordon Edwards on RadWaste, SNC Lavalin, more + Farewell to 100-year-old Vt. Yankee & Peace Activist Frances Crowe

The late, great Frances Crowe (r), leaving a protest against the Vt. Yankee nuclear reactor. The 100-year-old Peace and Anti-Nuclear activist passed away on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Canada: Dr. Gordon Edwards is co-founder and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, or CCNR.  Dr. Edwards…

NH #426: Nuclear UPDATE USA: Piketon Radiation Battles, Ohio Nuke Bailout, Holtec/SNC Lavalin Decommissioning Shenanigans at Pilgrim in MA

Nuclear UPDATE: Ohio Nuke Bailout info w/Attorney Terry Lodge Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear Update USA checks in on several – far from all! – nuclear hotspots around the United States to find out the latest. We hear from activists on the front lines of ongoing nuclear problems: Vina Colley, in her…

NH #421: Uranium Mining Disaster SPECIAL Pt. 1: Church Rock at 40, Navajo Nation Devastation Continues – Chris Shuey, Southwest Research and Information Center

Uranium mining disaster site: SRIC’s Chris Shuey on site at Church Rock, explaining the devastation of the 1979 uranium tailings pond spill of 94-million gallons of highly acidic radioactive waste into Puerco River on Navajo Nation land. This Week’s Featured Interview: Chris Shuey is Director of the Uranium Impact Assessment Program for Southwest Research and…

NH #419: Radioactive Waste Storage Crisis SPECIAL: NUCLEAR NIMBY Targets New Mexico, West Texas: Kevin Kamps, Diane D’Arrigo, Leona Morgan, Karen Hadden

Radioactive Waste Storage – NUCLEAR NIMBY: Activists rally against the proposed Holtec-Eddy/Lea consolidated so-called “interim” nuclear waste dump in New Mexico – January, 2019 SPECIAL REQUEST: Next week, I will be traveling to Navajo Nation in New Mexico to cover the 40th anniversary of the Church Rock disaster, the uranium tailings spill. Over 94 million…

NH #418: Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and Cancer Rates: Joseph Mangano

Radioactive Nuclear Reactors – Millstone Nuclear’s strontium 90 spew into surrounding community was exposed by the late Katie the Goat’s milk. Her great-granddaughter Victoria carries on the family tradition. This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Nuclear Reactors and their impact on public health is the focusof the work of this week’s featured interviewee. Joseph Mangano is…

NH #415: PILGRIM NUCLEAR SHUTDOWN! Celebrate, then on to Decommissioning Battles: Diane Turco, Mary Lampert

Pilgrim Nuclear Shutdown! One of the many demonstrations by Cape Downwinders that helped make the closure happen. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts – the exact same design as the reactors that melted down at Fukushima Daiichi – permanently shut down as of June 1, 2019 after a long struggle…

NH #413: Radioactive Contamination in Ohio School SPECIAL: Whistleblower Vina Colley Exposes Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant History + BREAKING – 4 Years of DOE Monitoring Data to Be Released

Radioactive Contamination found in your kid’s school – the letter no parent ever wants to receive. LISTEN HERE: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive contamination found at Ohio School – where is it from and what does it mean? Interview with Vina Colley; she is, in her own words, “a Whistleblower, a sick worker from…

NH #411: Indigenous Nuclear Genocide: Uranium Mining on Native Lands w/International Activists Candyce Paul, Leona Morgan, Ashish Birulee

Indigenous Nuclear activists (clockwise from upper left) Candyce Paul, webinar producers from the UK’s Stop New Nuclear, Ashish Birulee, and Leona Morgan This Week’s Featured Speakers: Indigenous Nuclear Genocide:  The start of the nuclear fuel chain is uranium mining, the weight of which comes down disproportionately on indigenous people, the poor and/or people of color …