NH #488: Hot Nukes & Global Warming: Nuclear’s Climate Change Connection – Attny Susan Hito Shapiro

Hot nukes – The thermal plume from Indian Point and Lovett power plants in this infra-red image taken in 1998 by scientists from GER/SpectroTech, Inc. The reds indicate discharge temperatures from 1-8 degrees hotter than ambient river water, and the yellows go up to 14.5 degrees hotter. One scientist noted that the plume appeared to…

Chernobyl Truth

NH #484: Chernobyl Truth, World Health Org. Lies – Alison Katz of Independent WHO

This Week’s Featured Interview – A Nuclear Hotseat CLASSIC: Chernoby Truth, World Health Org. Lies Revealed – Alison Katz is a psychologist and sociologist who heads Independent WHO. The international watchdog group draws attention to the World Health Organization’s failure in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination from Chernobyl and, later, Fukushima.  The…

NH #481: Los Alamos Toxic Nuclear Tour of Legacy Radiation at NM LAB w/Joni Arends

Los Alamos Toxic Nuclear Tour – LANL is the Manhattan Project site where Little Boy,the first atomic bomb, was designed and built.  Schematics of bomb above. This Week’s Special Feature:  Los Alamos Toxic Tour Smug Stupid Los Alamos – its history and current problems – is the subject of this week’s show. Joni Arends is…

NH #476: Nuclear Hell: 75 Years since Hiroshima & Nagasaki A-Bombs – Alice Slater, Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow

Nuclear Hell:  Hibakusha Setsuko Thurlow at the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Awards Ceremony, giving her acceptance speech on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons This Week’s Special Commemorative Features: Nuclear Hell began 75 years ago with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  It continues to this day, with…

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

NH #474: Trinity A-Bomb at 75 – Downwind of New Mexico’s “Dirty Bomb”: Tina Cordova, Joni Arends

Trinity downwinder Tina Cordova First photo of the Atomic Age – the Trinity atomic bomb test of July 16, 1945, 0.025 seconds after detonation. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders advocating for justice: Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles from the explosion of the first atomic bomb…

NH #472: Pilgrim Nuclear Security Lapses, Holtec Decommissioning Lies w/Diane Turco

Pilgrim nuclear insecurity – Princeton university projection of what would happen to the radioactivity releasedshould Pilgrim have a fire in its spent fuel pool.  THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting against the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor for more than 40 years. …

NH #471: Radioactivity/Radiation Refresher Course: Joseph Mangano & Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radiation/Radioactivity symbol – For an update on what we need to know about what it does to us so others can understand the fight against all things nuclear.   Listen Here: [powerpress]   This Week’s Featured Interviews: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has served as a director of Radiation and Public…

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

Covid 19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson This Week’s Featured Interviews: A CoVid19 UPDATE – How is the growing pandemic impacting the nuclear and anti-nuclear world? A FINAL THOUGHT on on how the impact of CoVid19 may feel familiar to those who have been following nuclear issues, especially…

NH #455: Fukushima Anniversary SPECIAL: Voices From Japan 2020 – Tokyo Shimbun Reporter Takeshi Yamakawa

Nuclear Hotseat Voices from Japan – #Fukushima 9th Anniversary SPECIAL. Interview with Takeshi Yamakawa from the Tokyo Shimbun #Nuclear Power Reporting Team; radiation problems in the Exclusion Zone from Voices from Japan investigative reporter Yuji Kaneko; commentary by co-producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko.