Nuclear Disarmament Plowshares

NH #543: Nuclear Disarmament Plowshares Film & Media Strategy Tips – Emmy-winning Journalist Helen Young

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Disarmament:  Helen Young is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist who has forged a career as a filmmaker and writer by blending a passion for investigative reporting with a commitment to illuminating critical issues of the day.  She was a staff writer and producer for CBS News and NBC News for…

A-Bomb Radiation Dangers

NH #542: New York Times Lies of Omission on A-Bomb Radiation Dangers – Why We Still Don’t Understand: News Zero, Beverly Deepe Keever

This Week’s Featured Interview: New York Times Outed on Radiation Lies of Omission:  Beverly Deepe-Keever is an American journalist, Vietnam War correspondent, author and professor emerita of journalism and communications at the University of Hawai’i after 29 years teaching and researching there.  She is author of the essential nuclear reference book, NEWS ZERO: The New…

Santa Susana Field Lab Fallout

NH #541: Santa Susana Field Lab Fallout from Radiation Study: PSR-LA’s Denise Duffield, Melissa Bumstead

Santa Susana Field Lab – the push to clean up the 2,680 acre site continues in the wake of findings about the Woolsey fire releasing radioactive micro-particles into the surrounding Los Angeles neighborhoods.  One of the ongoing people helping to lead the fight is Denise Duffield.  She serves as Administrator for Physicians for Social Responsibility-LA’s (PSR-LA)…

Baby Teeth Nuclear

NH #538: Baby Teeth Hold Key to Illinois, Michigan Nuclear Reactor Radiation Exposure – Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

This Week’s Featured Interview: Baby teeth were studied in the 1950’s and 60’s to determine childhood exposure to radioactive strontium 90 from atmospheric nuclear bomb tests.  The results from what was called the Tooth Fairy Project led to U.S. President Kennedy and Russia’s Premier Khrushchev creating the 1963 Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the…

Hiroshima Nagasaki

NH #528: Hiroshima Nagasaki at 76: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of A-Bomb Survivor

This Week’s Featured Interview: Hiroshima Anniversary – 76 years after the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the effects of that bombing persist.  Survivors – who are known as Hibakusha – went on with their lives as best they could, but the legacy of the a-bomb persist into second and now…

Trinity A-Bomb Test

NH #527: Trinity A-Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Spill Anniversaries – Still Devastating New Mexico

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders advocating for justice: Trinity Downwinder Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles from the explosion of the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945. A cancer survivor like so many in her community, in 2005, she co-founded the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium. …

Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure

NH #525: Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure Inadequate for Women, Girls, Boys – Mary Olson, Dave Lochbaum

This Week’s Featured Interview: Reference Man is the standard first developed in 1949 to establish maximum permissible amounts of radioactive materials in the human body.  BUT because humans are so diverse in age, gender, weight, height, lifestyles, geographic locations and other factors, no Reference Man definition can possibly reflect anything other than a scant few…

10th Anniversary! San Onofre Lawsuit

NH #521: 10th Anniversary! San Onofre Lawsuit = Last Line of Defense for So CA? + Exelon Illinois $Billion Bailout UPDATE & China Radiation Leak

This Week’s Featured Interviews: San Onofre owners Southern California Edison plan to dismantle spent fuel pools – the last line of defense in a radiation accident on the California coast.  Now a lawsuit filed by Samuel Lawrence Foundation seeks to retain spent fuel pools and have a “hot cell” – repackaging unit – built on-site…