Trinity A-Bomb Test

NH #527: Trinity A-Bomb Test, Church Rock Uranium Tailings Spill Anniversaries – Still Devastating New Mexico

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Trinity Downwinders advocating for justice: Trinity Downwinder Tina Cordova grew up in her family home in the Tularosa Basin, 40 miles from the explosion of the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945. A cancer survivor like so many in her community, in 2005, she co-founded the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium. …

Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure

NH #525: Reference Man Standard for Radiation Exposure Inadequate for Women, Girls, Boys – Mary Olson, Dave Lochbaum

This Week’s Featured Interview: Reference Man is the standard first developed in 1949 to establish maximum permissible amounts of radioactive materials in the human body.  BUT because humans are so diverse in age, gender, weight, height, lifestyles, geographic locations and other factors, no Reference Man definition can possibly reflect anything other than a scant few…

10th Anniversary! San Onofre Lawsuit

NH #521: 10th Anniversary! San Onofre Lawsuit = Last Line of Defense for So CA? + Exelon Illinois $Billion Bailout UPDATE & China Radiation Leak

This Week’s Featured Interviews: San Onofre owners Southern California Edison plan to dismantle spent fuel pools – the last line of defense in a radiation accident on the California coast.  Now a lawsuit filed by Samuel Lawrence Foundation seeks to retain spent fuel pools and have a “hot cell” – repackaging unit – built on-site…

Chernobyl Lies, Cover-Up WHO

NH #519: Chernobyl Lies, Cover-Up by World Health Organization

This Week’s Featured Interview: Chernobyl Lies, Health Cover-Up by World Health Organization (WHO) Revealed – Interview with Alison Katz, a psychologist and sociologist who heads Independent WHO. This international watchdog group draws attention to the World Health Organization’s failure in its duty to protect those populations who are victims of radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster…

Uranium Film Festival

NH #518: Uranium Film Festival – Pacifist Physicists & Filmmaker Claus Biegert

This Week’s Featured Interview: The International Uranium Film Festival continues with 34 films on a wide range of nuclear issues around the world.  Of the Sense of the Whole: The Network of Physicist Hans-Peter Dürr (VOM SINN DES GANZEN) is a film by Claus Biegert.  As Biegert explains: Hans-Peter Dürr – as a physicist he…

New Mexico Nuclear Nightmare SPECIAL

NH #516: New Mexico Nuclear Nightmare SPECIAL: WIPP Plutonium Expansion or Just The Shaft? Hearings Start May 17 – Don Hancock, Joni Arends

This Week’s Featured Interviews: New Mexico Nuclear Nightmares – this one dealing with hearings that hide the planned expansion of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant to hold more than 50 TONS of “excess” plutonium – the most deadly radioactive substance on earth.  And all that plutonium will have to be trucked and trained across the…

Chernobyl Anniversary #2

NH #514: Chernobyl Anniversary #2: Survivor Bonnie Kouneva, Dr. Janette Sherman + Hawaiian “Incoming Missile” Film

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Chernobyl Anniversary 35 deserves more than a single program examining its consequences.  Check last week’s Nuclear Hotseat #513 for further interviews.  This week: Bonnie Kouneva was a 15-year-old living in Communist Bulgaria when the Chernobyl disaster began, but no one knew about it because the Soviet Union said nothing to its…

Chernobyl Anniversary #35

NH #513: Chernobyl Anniversary #35: Kate Brown, Timothy Mousseau + Ian Zabarte on USA’s MIghty Oak Nuke Accident

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Kate Brown is the author of Manual for Survival: A Chernobyl Guide to the Future. She is an historian of environmental and nuclear history at MIT and the author of Plutopia, which won seven major awards. Her research has been funded by the American Academy in Berlin and by Carnegie and Guggenheim…