NH #93: THREE MILE ISLAND SPECIAL: America’s Forgotten Nuclear Terror

Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy as a young, stupid woman standing in front of the still-leaking nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island, approximately April 10, 1979 FEATURING: Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education with a blow-by-blow description of the chaos inside TMI during the first three days of the accident.  Arnie Gundersen and Libbe HaLevy…

NH #92: FUKUSHIMA BLACKOUT! Radiation Health Tips from FFAN’s Kimberly Roberson

  LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/73d1767f-132a-386d-6799-a727b2bb1f01.mp3 INTERVIEW: Kimberly Roberson is a certified Diet Counselor and Nutrition Educator and has served on the board of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She has worked at Sane/Freeze, CALPIRG and Greenpeace USA;  and has lobbied for environmental and natural health issues on the state and federal level, as…

NH #91 – Dr. Caldicott’s Global Symposium on Medical and Ecological Consequences of Fukushima

SPECIAL:  Direct from Dr. Helen Caldicott’s Global Symposium on the Medical and Ecoogical Consequences of Fukushima, the voices of activists from around the world share what they saw, heard, felt — and decided they’d have to do about it once they got home.  Close to 20 individuals share their take-aways at the most exciting and…

NH #89: World Premiere of Filmmaker Christopher Noland’s “3.11: Surviving Japan”

PLUS:  Hanford leaking up to two Olympic-sized swimming pools worth of plutonium-laden waste, endangering Columbia River; Germany facing nuke waste dangers and admits they haven’t a clue how to handle it; Nuke workers dying – three in February alone! Rep. Markey suspects Southern California Edison, operators of San Onofre, guilty of violating federal securities laws; Entergy…

NH #87: Boxer/Markey Nuclear Bombshell, Toronto Trainstopper Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter

 INTERVIEW:  Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter, Canadian activist, on the recent Toronto Idle No More-led blockade of a train outside GE-Hitachi’s mid-city uranium processing facility.  Plus words of wisdom and strategy for activists hoping to make a difference in their local communities. Zach “No Cameco” Ruiter joins with Idle No More at the Toronto Train Blockade…

NH #84: Nuclear Collusion, Radioactive Food w/Beyond Nuclear’s Cindy Folkers

PLUS: IAEA declares 47 Japanese reactors in “Long Term Shutdown;” Allegations of voter fraud arise after Japan’s general election that brought in a pro-nuke government; Nuke industry pre-3/11/13 talking points pushing the disinformation that “radiophobia” – fear of radiation – as more harmful to health than radiation <!>; Fuku fish caught w/2,500 times more radiation…

NH #83: Dr. Helen Caldicott!

Dr. Helen Caldicott talks for the first time about her March 11-12 Symposium: The Medical and Environmental Consequences of Fukushima – a watershed event for our movement, involving doctors, scientists and researchers from around the world.  She explains how she became an anti-nuclear activist while still a teenager, how she founded three of our most…

NH #82 – Iran’s Nuke Accident? SanO DAB seeks Whistleblowers, Cesium in Fuku Food

PLUS: Did Iran have a nuclear accident or is there some other cause for the evacuation of 1.5 million people? Osaka to burn radioactive Fukushima debris as the government detains and arrests anti-nuclear protestors. Turkey to test all food imported from Japan for suspected radioactivity, but US continues to do NOTHING to protect our food…