NH #170: Climate Change March Special w/Michael Mariotte, Gail Payne, Dr. Sheila Parks

    LISTEN HERE: TO DOWNLOAD, CLICK HERE INTERVIEWS: Special report last Sunday’s massive, historic Climate Change Rally in NYC: Michael Mariotte, the President of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, or NIRS, provided key national organizing that helped deliver thousands of anti-nuke demonstrators to the event; Gail Payne not only marched, she designed those terrific…

NH #167: Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps on NRC’s Conflict of Interest + WIPP Update

INTERVIEWS: Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear goes after the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s latest actions in speeding approval of all nuclear reactor license extensions and  new builds, plus highlights the votes of compromised lame duck (now former) Commissioner Magwood’s blatant, possibly illegal conflict of interest.FOR SAMPLE WORDING FROM KEVIN KAMPS TO SEND TO SEN. BARBARA BOXER…

NH #164: Indian “Anti-Nuclear Gandhi” Kumar Sundaram in Japan

Here’s the weekly Jon Stewart/Daily Show Tweet; please retweet and favorite:  Fukushima nuke fuel exploded to 15 miles f/Tokyo suburb. Ready to order 2020 Olympic tix yet? #newCNNshows #nonukes http://t.co/z8zrYYcxU4 — Libbe HaLevy (@NuclearHotseat) August 13, 2014 FEATURED INTERVIEW:  Kumar Sundaram, India’s “Anti-Nuclear Gandhi,” as he concludes a successful two week trip to Japan to…

NH #163: Hiroshima Day Perspective w/PSR’s Catherine Thomasson, Karl Grossman on Nukes in Space + Jon Stewart Twitter Campaign

HERE’S THE JON STEWART TWEET!  RETWEET (click the square arrows) AND FAVORITE (click the star), PLEASE!   Indian Point nuke reactors only 44 miles f/your studio, Jon. That’s why you need to cover nukes. #NuclearHotseat #newCNNshows #nonukes — Libbe HaLevy (@NuclearHotseat) August 6, 2014 HOW TO TWEET TO JON STEWART: Go to Twitter and sign…

NH #162: US Military Radiation Report Refuted by USS Reagan’s Simmons, Epidemiologist Mangano

 Abe Road?   INTERVIEWS: The United States military just issued a Congressionally-mandated report that says, in effect, that Fukushima’s radiation could not possibly be responsible for the catastrophic illnesses being experienced by the sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan, despite all appearances and common sense to the contrary.  So two genuine experts take on that…

NH #161: UN’s UNSCEAR Fukushima Radiation Report Blasted by IPPNW’s Alex Rosen

FEATURED INTERVIEW: Dr. Alex Rosen, a German pediatrician and Vice President of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany, cites his organization’s recently published Critical Analysis of the UNSCEAR (United Nations Scientific Committee On The Effects Of Atomic Radiation) report on Fukushima that seriously – some might say criminally — minimizes…

NH #160: WIPP Radiation Accident Update w/Don Hancock, Voices from Japan w/Filmmaker Yumiko Hayakawa

URGENT – THE EPA PLANS TO RAISE “ALLOWABLE” RADIATION LIMITS BY AS MUCH AS A FACTOR OF 350!  ACCEPTING COMMENTS UNTIL AUGUST 3, 2014 – WRITE TO THEM NOW!http://www.regulations.gov/#!submitComment;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0689-0001 INTERVIEWS: WIPP ACCIDENT – Don Hancock, Director of Southwest Research and Information Center in Albuquerque, NM, brings us up to date again about the February 14…