NH #464: Hanford Nuclear & Covid Nightmares: Tom Carpenter, Hanford Challenge

Hanford Nuclear Nightmares – before Covid times – being addressed byHanford Challenge Executive Director Tom Carpenterat January, 2018 Senate hearings. This Week’s Featured Interview: Hanford Nuclear and Covid nightmares get explained and exposed by Tom Carpenter, Executive Director of Hanford Challenge, the Washington state watchdog group.  He  is an attorney and worked as the Director…

NH #460: Covid19/Nuclear: Grand Canyon Uranium Mines Stimulus Money-Grab – Sierra Club’s Alicyn Gitlin

Covid19/Nuclear impacts felt even in the wilds of the Grand Canyon as uranium minescry crocodile tears in an attempt to grab stimulus money. Covid19/Nuclear UPDATE: This Week’s Featured Interview: Covid19/Nuclear impact – bad news in even more places.  Learn about the uranium industry Covid19 money-grab from Alicyn Gitlin.   She is with the Sierra Club…

NH #458: Covid19/Nuclear Dangers: You Can’t Social Distance at a Nuclear Reactor – Arnie & Maggie Gundersen Call Out Industry Refueling, Safety Lies

Covid/Nuclear Dangers – More industry lies, problems revealed:Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen,interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Covid/Nuclear Dangers and Lies:  As the Covid pandemic continues to ravage its way through society, the nuclear industry is placed in serious jeopardy of being able to maintain safety at its 98 U.S….

NH #457: Covid19/Nuclear Nightmare Begins: NRC’s Inadequate Conference Call – Paul Gunter, Eric Epstein, Kevin Kamps

Covid19 does what Fukushima and radiation dangers could not do:  Takes down the Olympics and has severely minimized the propagandistic torch relay through Fukushima Prefecture.  (Graphic courtesy Bruce Brinkman) This Week’s Covid19/Nuclear Features and Interviews: A news roundup of nuclear facilities already being impacted by the novel corona virus pandemic Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear…

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

NH #456: Covid19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson

Covid 19/Radiation Parallels + Radiation’s Disproportionate Impact on Women, Little Girls – Mary Olson This Week’s Featured Interviews: A CoVid19 UPDATE – How is the growing pandemic impacting the nuclear and anti-nuclear world? A FINAL THOUGHT on on how the impact of CoVid19 may feel familiar to those who have been following nuclear issues, especially…

NH #455: Fukushima Anniversary SPECIAL: Voices From Japan 2020 – Tokyo Shimbun Reporter Takeshi Yamakawa

Nuclear Hotseat Voices from Japan – #Fukushima 9th Anniversary SPECIAL. Interview with Takeshi Yamakawa from the Tokyo Shimbun #Nuclear Power Reporting Team; radiation problems in the Exclusion Zone from Voices from Japan investigative reporter Yuji Kaneko; commentary by co-producer Beverly Findlay-Kaneko.

NH #451: Chernobyl Truth, World Health Org Lies: Alison Katz, Independent WHO

Chernobyl children’s gas masks. Listen here: [powerpress] Chernobyl – NOTE: We’re having computer problems at Nuclear Hotseat that are preventing production of a new show for this week. However, it gives us the opportunity to offer this classic episode of the show, deemed the most important interview we’ve ever done. We hope to have a…

NH #441: Nuclear Waste Warriors: USA National Activists Gather to Fight for Truth, Sanity in Radioactive Waste Storage

Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the United States gathered in Albuquerque, NM in November to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate efforts and actions. This Week’s SPECIAL: Nuclear Waste Warriors from around the U.S. came together November 7-11, 2019, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to brainstorm, strategize, and coordinate work against the nuclear nightmares in their own backyards,…

NH #436: Radioactive Nuclear Waste Lies: San Onofre w/Donna Gilmore, Radiation vs. Radioactivity w/Dr. Gordon Edwards

Radioactive Nuclear Waste in Southern California: Google Maps image of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station‘s radioactive fuel rod storage canisters. Each one contains as much radiation as was released during the Chernobyl accident. Note the nearness of the Pacific Ocean. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive nuclear waste and the current lies regarding long-term storage…