NH #481: Los Alamos Toxic Nuclear Tour of Legacy Radiation at NM LAB w/Joni Arends

Los Alamos Toxic Nuclear Tour – LANL is the Manhattan Project site where Little Boy,the first atomic bomb, was designed and built.  Schematics of bomb above. This Week’s Special Feature:  Los Alamos Toxic Tour Smug Stupid Los Alamos – its history and current problems – is the subject of this week’s show. Joni Arends is…

NH #477: US Nuke Tech Sale to Bomb-Hungry Saudis Being Legalized: Terry Lodge + How YOU can $top Nuclear Weapon$!

US Nuke Technology Sale to Saudis being Legalized – Attny Terry Lodge Explains.And the full story of how Don’t Bank on the Bomb is helping to defund nuclear weapons producers,one bank account at a time This Week’s Featured Interviews: US Nuke Tech Sale to Saudis – How can this be legal?  Environmental trial attorney Terry…

NH #472: Pilgrim Nuclear Security Lapses, Holtec Decommissioning Lies w/Diane Turco

Pilgrim nuclear insecurity – Princeton university projection of what would happen to the radioactivity releasedshould Pilgrim have a fire in its spent fuel pool.  THIS WEEK’S FEATURED INTERVIEW: Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group that’s been fighting against the Pilgrim nuclear power reactor for more than 40 years. …

NH #468: Space Force – Dangerous Farce? Linda Pentz Gunter + Covid/Nuclear Report + 9th Anniversary!

Space Force marks the beginning of Nuclear Hotseat’s 10th Year!  More to come! Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview on Space Force: Space Force and Nukes in Space – what, we don’t have enough nuclear problems on earth?  I spoke with Linda Pentz Gunter of Beyond Nuclear. She is their international nuclear specialist, an…

NH #467: Radiophobia? Schmadiophobia! Nuclear Industry Propaganda Lie: Prof. Majia Nadesan + Covid/Nuclear UPDATE

Radiophobia? That’s what the nuclear industry labels justifiable fears about exposure to ionizing nuclear radiation.  If you know what radiation is and does, your fears are absolutely justified!   Listen Here: [powerpress]   This Week’s Featured Interview: RADIOPHOBIA? Majia Nadesan rips this nuclear industry propaganda talking point to shreds and shows how “radiophobia” has been…

NH #464: Hanford Nuclear & Covid Nightmares: Tom Carpenter, Hanford Challenge

Hanford Nuclear Nightmares – before Covid times – being addressed byHanford Challenge Executive Director Tom Carpenterat January, 2018 Senate hearings. This Week’s Featured Interview: Hanford Nuclear and Covid nightmares get explained and exposed by Tom Carpenter, Executive Director of Hanford Challenge, the Washington state watchdog group.  He  is an attorney and worked as the Director…

NH #460: Covid19/Nuclear: Grand Canyon Uranium Mines Stimulus Money-Grab – Sierra Club’s Alicyn Gitlin

Covid19/Nuclear impacts felt even in the wilds of the Grand Canyon as uranium minescry crocodile tears in an attempt to grab stimulus money. Covid19/Nuclear UPDATE: This Week’s Featured Interview: Covid19/Nuclear impact – bad news in even more places.  Learn about the uranium industry Covid19 money-grab from Alicyn Gitlin.   She is with the Sierra Club…

NH #458: Covid19/Nuclear Dangers: You Can’t Social Distance at a Nuclear Reactor – Arnie & Maggie Gundersen Call Out Industry Refueling, Safety Lies

Covid/Nuclear Dangers – More industry lies, problems revealed:Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen,interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy This Week’s Featured Interview: Covid/Nuclear Dangers and Lies:  As the Covid pandemic continues to ravage its way through society, the nuclear industry is placed in serious jeopardy of being able to maintain safety at its 98 U.S….

NH #457: Covid19/Nuclear Nightmare Begins: NRC’s Inadequate Conference Call – Paul Gunter, Eric Epstein, Kevin Kamps

Covid19 does what Fukushima and radiation dangers could not do:  Takes down the Olympics and has severely minimized the propagandistic torch relay through Fukushima Prefecture.  (Graphic courtesy Bruce Brinkman) This Week’s Covid19/Nuclear Features and Interviews: A news roundup of nuclear facilities already being impacted by the novel corona virus pandemic Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear…