Uranium Film Festival

NH #518: Uranium Film Festival – Pacifist Physicists & Filmmaker Claus Biegert

This Week’s Featured Interview: The International Uranium Film Festival continues with 34 films on a wide range of nuclear issues around the world.  Of the Sense of the Whole: The Network of Physicist Hans-Peter Dürr (VOM SINN DES GANZEN) is a film by Claus Biegert.  As Biegert explains: Hans-Peter Dürr – as a physicist he…

Uranium Film Festival

NH #517: Uranium Film Festival: Wake-Up Call to Humanity + Post-A-Bomb Suppressed Color Footage

This Week’s Featured Interviews: With the International Uranium Film Festival running online May 20-30 – and free – we bring you interviews with two of the filmmakers.  A third interview will run on next week’s show, #518. Register to watch at: www.UraniumFilmFestival.org.  Click on the Rio 2021 link. The two films and directors featured on…

New Mexico Nuclear Nightmare SPECIAL

NH #516: New Mexico Nuclear Nightmare SPECIAL: WIPP Plutonium Expansion or Just The Shaft? Hearings Start May 17 – Don Hancock, Joni Arends

This Week’s Featured Interviews: New Mexico Nuclear Nightmares – this one dealing with hearings that hide the planned expansion of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant to hold more than 50 TONS of “excess” plutonium – the most deadly radioactive substance on earth.  And all that plutonium will have to be trucked and trained across the…

Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay

NH: #499: Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay – Again! – thru Fukushima & Futaba – Beverly Findlay Kaneko

This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Olympics Torch Relay – Again! – Beverly Findlay-Kaneko is Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan producing partner.  She evacuated Japan with her son following the 2011 nuclear disaster.  Here, she provides details from on-the-ground reports out of Fukushima Prefecture, along with direct statements by former residents of Futaba translated from Japanese blog posts exclusively…

Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu

NH #498: Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu: UPDATE by Dr. Alex Rosen of IPPNW

This Week’s Featured Interview:  Radioactive Olympics – Dr. Alex Rosen is one of two co-chairs of the German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), where he is responsible for the topic of nuclear energy.  Dr. Rosen is a pediatric specialist and head of the pediatric emergency department of the…

Peace and Peace Culture

NH #496: Peace and Peace Culture: Hope from Hiroshima Peace Culture Village – Steve Leeper

A SPECIAL Nuclear Hotseat interview that considers what Peace is, what Peace Culture is, and how we might work on a planetary basis to institute new ways of being and building for a sustainable future.  A Holiday gift from me and the crew at Nuclear Hotseat for those who are working in what this interview…

NH #488: Hot Nukes & Global Warming: Nuclear’s Climate Change Connection – Attny Susan Hito Shapiro

Hot nukes – The thermal plume from Indian Point and Lovett power plants in this infra-red image taken in 1998 by scientists from GER/SpectroTech, Inc. The reds indicate discharge temperatures from 1-8 degrees hotter than ambient river water, and the yellows go up to 14.5 degrees hotter. One scientist noted that the plume appeared to…

NH #483: Seabrook Nuclear Concrete Degradation + Ian Zabarte: Message from the Most Bombed Nation on Earth

Seabrook Nuclear Concrete Containment Degradation – 40 miles from Bostonand licensed until 2050! This Week’s Featured Interviews: Seabrook Nuclear Station watchdog Natalie Hildt Treat is Executive Director of the C-10 Foundation, which operates the only real time radiation monitoring system open to the public.  This allows it to keep a sharp and critical eye on…