NH #589: “Cool” Nuclear History Education for Kids – Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Aiko Kojima Hibino

NH #589: “Cool” Nuclear History Education for Kids – Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Aiko Kojima Hibino

Nuclear History Education for Kids This Week’s Featured Interview: Illinois has become the first state in the nation to mandate the teaching of Asian American History for grades K-12. The intent is to combat hate crimes and racial discrimination against Asian Americans, which grew exponentially during the Covid 19 pandemic. As nuclear plays a major…

NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

NH #588: Increased Child Leukemia Rates near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie

Increased Child Leukemia Rates Near Nuclear Reactors: Dr. Ian Fairlie This Week’s Featured Interview: Child leukemia rates near nuclear reactors have been shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in…

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill

NH #586: Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – Catholic Anti-Nuclear Activists Martha Hennessey, Patrick O’Neill This Week’s Featured Interview: The Kings Bay Plowshares are a group of seven Catholic peace activists who broke into the Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in Georgia on April 4th, 2018, and carried out a symbolic act of protest against nuclear…

NH #584:  Nuclear Russian  Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes

NH #584: Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes

NH #584: Nuclear Russian Roulette in Ukraine Heats Up: Gundersen + Youth Climate Activists March in Wales against Nukes This Week’s Featured Interviews: Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education joins us again to explain the latest rounds of nuclear Russian roulette – what dangers got ramped up at Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine over the past week….

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor

NH #581: Hiroshima, Nagasaki Second Generation: Prof. Yuki Miyamoto, Daughter of Atomic Survivor This Week’s Featured Interview: Hiroshima-born Yuki Miyamoto is a second generation Hibakusha – daughter of an atomic bomb survivor.  Her mother was in Hiroshima one mile from the epicenter of the bombing, yet survived it with what seemed like little physical damage……

NH #579: Ukraine Nuclear UPDATE – Reactors at Risk, Greenpeace Chernobyl Study – Edwin Lyman

NH #579: Ukraine Nuclear UPDATE – Reactors at Risk, Greenpeace Chernobyl Study – Edwin Lyman

This Week’s Featured Interview: Ukraine Nuclear dangers – how many and how bad? This week, we learn how bad it could get from Edwin Lyman. He is a physicist and the Director of Nuclear Power Safety with the Union of Concerned Scientists. He specializes in nuclear proliferation, nuclear terrorism, and nuclear power safety. Lyman has…

NH #578: NYC Nuclear PSA Disinfo Hogwash – You Don’t “Got This” – NYCAN’s Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Seth Shelden

NH #578: NYC Nuclear PSA Disinfo Hogwash – You Don’t “Got This” – NYCAN’s Dr. Kathleen Sullivan, Seth Shelden

This Week’s Featured Story: The NYC Emergency Management Office released a bombshell last week – a video PSA on how to survive a nuclear attack! …and it has generated a firestorm of its own. It’s the 1950’s laughable Duck and Cover drill, repackaged in all seriousness for hip Millennials: Featured Interview: To counter the disinformation…

NH #572 – Dr. Caldicott 2015 Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction

NH #572 – Dr. Caldicott 2015 Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction

This Week’s Special Feature: In 2015, Dr. Helen Caldicott brought together world experts for two day Symposium on Possible Nuclear Extinction. Meeting at the New York Academy of Science, experts in nuclear policy, politics, the impact of radiation on life, nuclear winter, weaponry joined forces to speak on the exact nature of the nuclear dangers…

NH #571: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging – Colleen Moore

NH #571: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging – Colleen Moore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Activism and Social Media Messaging:  Colleen Moore is Digital Engagement Manager for Beyond the Bomb and Global Zero.  She creates content to promote the message of eliminating nuclear weapons and has experience in campaigning for justice and peace issues, including: ending U.S. support for the war in Yemen; promoting human…