NH #50: Tuna Sushi? No Thanks! Plus NIRS on NRC Evac Zones

Listen here: Download Here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/NuclearHotseat-50-May29-2012-NIRS.mp3 This week on Nuclear Hotseat, produced and hosted by Libbe HaLevy, Michael Mariotte of NIRS.org explains how NRC evacuation zone radius and emergency exercises have no relationship to real world reality. PLUS: Bluefin tuna caught off CA all found contaminated with Fukushima Cesium 134 & 137; Jaczko stands for safety…

NH #49: Umi Hagitani – The Japan Connection, and NRC’s Jaczko Resigns

Japanese interpreter/anti-nuke activist Umi Hagitani talks about the real concerns of the Japanese people and her experiences translating for Fukushima survivors who addressed U.S. anti-nuke demos and the media. Plus: NRC’s Jaczko resigns his Chairmanship; Sen. Barbara Boxer goes after Southern California Electric over sidestepped licensing amendment for steam generator design changes; Alaska Senator Begich…

NH #48: Radiation Remediation w/Mushrooms, Hemp, Nanotechnology

Play Here: Download Here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/2f9556c5-0532-961f-b3a4-bf4e37bf3aaa.mp3   Long time activist Elise Longhi shares info on how to get radiation out of the soil using mushrooms and hemp, out of water using nano technology that already exists, then reveals shocking information on long-suppressed research by physicist Dr. Roy that actually neutralized radioactive cesium and strontium!  Why is…

NH #47 – Dan Hirsch on Hidden LA Nuke Accident – Santa Susana Field Labs, 1959

Interview with Daniel Hirsch of Committee to Bridge the Gap on the 1959 Santa Susana Field Laboratory nuclear meltdown – more radiation released than Three Mile Island! – and the current status of clean-up attempts.  PLUS: The battle over San Onofre heats up, with four times the number of damaged pipes in the steam generators…

NH #46 – Shaun Burnie of Friends of the Earth, Japan Nuke-Free on May 5, CA Nuke-Free Now

In this week’s episode of Nuclear Hotseat: Interview w/Shaun Burnie, nuclear consultant to Friends of the Earth U.S. and Greenpeace Germany, on the current status of Fukushima and Japan as the country is about to shut down its last operating nuclear reactor on May 5; New Chernobyl structure started to replace sarcophagus, but radiation released…

NH #44 – April 17, 2012 – Cecile Pineda, author Devil’s Tango + US Senator Focuses World on Unit 4

Interview w/Cecile Pineda, author of “Devil’s Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step By Step,” an eminently readable mosaic of information on the nuclear situation — terrific for the person in your life who hasn’t a clue but is willing to risk getting one! Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) publicly acknowledges the risks of Fukushima Unit…

NH #42 – Foodchain Safety Issues w/Kimberly Roberson & Mary Beth Brangan

Terrific food safety interview w/Kimberly Roberson of Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network and Mary Beth Brangan of Ecological Awareness Network.  Learn about the increasing dangers posed to our food supply by the radiation from Fukushima, as well as what you can do to boost your health and resist the effects of radiation. Plus: Radiation in Fukushima…