NH #283: “West Lake Radiation 1000x Background In My Home!” – Robbin Ellison Dailey

Photo:  Mike Dailey, hanging Christmas Lights at his home in Spanish Village, where tests confirmed radioactive Thorium 230 contamination. © Copyright Christen Commuso and Humans of West Lake Landfill, used by permission This Week’s Featured Interview: Robbin Ellison Dailey and her husband Mike own the home in North St. Louis less than half a mile from…

NH #282: Vt. Yankee Shutdown Film POWER STRUGGLE w/Robbie Leppzer, Dr. Steven Wing Memorial

This Week’s Featured Interview: Filmmaker Robbie Leppzer discusses his new film, POWER STRUGGLE, about the battle to close down the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant.  Excerpts from the film include some choice observations by nuclear engineer and Fairewinds Energy’s Arnie Gundersen. Nuclear Engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy EducationTestifying on the Vermont Yankee Shutdown hearings as…

NH #281: UN International Ethics Summit Needed – Japanese Ambassador Murata

This Week’s Featured Interview: Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and an outspoken critic of Japan’s nuclear policies, has issued a statement calling for the United Nations to hold an “International Day for Global Ethics” in the wake of their resolution to negotiate a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons.  The interview is an Encore Presentation…

NH #279: Fort Calhoun SHUTDOWN! w/LaVerne Thraen + #ShutPilgrimNow Speakout at Mass. State House w/Diane Turco

This Week’s Featured Interviews: LaVerne Thraen is a veteran energy activist who has been opposing the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station since the 1980’s.  We spoke less than an hour after it was shut down for good, on Monday, October 24, 2016. Diane Turco of Cape (Cod) Downwinders fills us in on last week’s #ShutPilgrimNow…

NH #278: Dr. Ian Fairlie on Attempted NRC Radiation Measurement Con Job (Hormesis)

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Dr. Ian Fairlie has studied radiation and radioactivity since the Chernobyl accident in 1986; received his doctorate from Princeton on the radiological hazards of nuclear fuel reprocessing; and from 2000 to 2004, was head of the Secretariat of the UK Government’s CERRIE Committee on internal radiation risks. He…

NH #276: NUKES IN SPACE – Bruce Gagnon of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

This Week’s Featured Interview: Bruce Gagnon, secretary/coordinator of Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, is one of the hearts and minds behind the Keep Space for Peace! week activities, being held right now, October 1 through 8, around the world.  In this extended interview, Bruce talks about the nuclearization of space, the…

NH #275: West Lake Update w/Byron DeLear, NM Holtec “Interim” Waste Dump? – Don Hancock

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Byron DeLear lives near the West Lake Landfill and has been passionately involved in its clean-up, as well as being active in clean energy issues as chairman and CEO of Energy Equity Funding. He is a columnist with Examiner.com and is currently running for state representative from the 40th District, which…

NH #274: Journalism’s Fukushima Coverage Failures w/Prof. Celine-Marie Pascale, Shaun McGee in UK on Sellafield Documentary’s Hot Impact, and Excellence in Journalism Report

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Prof. Celine-Marie Pascale of American University in Washington, D.C. is a sociologist who did a study of mainstream media coverage in the first two years after Fukushima – and not only are her observations stunning, she’s got the data to back them up.  Originally presented on Nuclear Hotseat #203, May 2,…