NH #354: Cancer Stats Skyrocket Around Nuclear Reactors: Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

Cancer researcher Joseph Mangano (r) and supporter Christie Brinkley (l) photo by: Greg Allen Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has serves as Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project.  Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health.  He…

NH #351: Nuclear’s Ticking Doomsday Clock w/Rachel Bronson, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Rachel Bronson is President and CEO of The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists – the scientists behind setting the Doomsday Clock.  She explains where that image and concept came from, who decides what time to set the clock, and the criteria used to determine just how close to global annihilation…

NH #350: SPECIAL: Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN: Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar in Fukushima

Fukushima 7th Anniversary VOICES FROM JAPAN Listen Here: [powerpress] Featured Interviews: Chikako Chiba is a representative of the Ajisai-no Kai Support Group for families with children who have thyroid cancer. Toshio Yanagihara is an attorney who has been seeking to protect the right of Fukushima families with children to live in a safe environment. Dr….

NH #348: Hanford’s “Atrocious Breach of Safety” – Dangerous Incompetence Fuels Growing Radiation Contamination – Tom Carpenter of Hanford Challenge

This Week’s Featured Interview: Tom Carpenter is the Executive Director of the Hanford Challenge.  He addresses Hanford’s recent radiation contamination from demolition of the Plutonium Finishing Plant and maps out the timeline of recent events, which are still breaking in the news. Health Effects of Plutonium – article Information on radiation monitors mentioned in the interview: …

NH #347: The Hidden Politics Behind NY’s Billion Dollar Nuke Bailout: Attny Susan H. Shapiro, Tim Judson of NIRS

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Susan H. Shapiro is an New York State attorney whose practice focuses on environmental protection and land use in the Hudson Valley. Since 9/11, she has been co-counsel on the groundbreaking litigation against Indian Point’s violation of the Clean Water Act for thermal and radiation pollution of the Hudson River; and…

NH #343: Hawaii Dress Rehearsal for Nuclear Hell + Fukushima update w/Nancy Foust, European Radiation w/Shaun McGee

Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nancy Foust of SimplyInfo.org, brings us up to date on the latest at Fukushima and the TEPCO/Japanese government attempts to clean up the site. Shaun McGee of Nuclear-News.net gets down to the nitty gritty on 2017 mystery radiation releases from Eastern Europe and some of the UK’s most…

NH #338: Nuclear Reactors/Climate Change Lies: Gundersen Busts Nuke Industry’s PR Ploy

This Week’s Feature: Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education , former nuclear industry Senior Vice President and whistleblower, explains global warming in terms of an apple <!>, then takes apart the nuclear industry’s claims that we “need” 1,000 new nuclear reactors to combat climate change.  Brilliant, concise, filled with talking points we all…

NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre:  Donna Gilmore

NH #335: “Chernobyl Disaster in a Can” – 73 Vulnerable-To-Cracking Radioactive Waste Canisters Set for CA Ocean-Front Burial at San Onofre: Donna Gilmore

This Week’s Featured Interview: Donna Gilmore of SanOnofreSafety.org reports on Southern California Edison’s plans to bury 1,800 tons – that’s 3,600,000 pounds <!> of high-level radioactive waste a mere 36 yards from high tide in canisters that are vulnerable to cracking in 2 years and leaking within 20 years.  Each one contains a Chernobyl disaster’s…

NH #333: Kids, Leukemia, Power Lines & Nukes + Why Hiroshima Life Span Study is “Rubbish”: Chris Busby

Featured image:  Prof. Chris Busby (r) with the late Alexey Yablakov,editor of Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment This Week’s Featured Interview: Prof. Chris Busby is a British scientist and activist known for his work on the health effects of ionizing radiation.  He often appears in UK court as an expert…