NH #406: San Onofre Madness: Edison Lies, NRC Regulators Wimping Out – Nina Babiarz of Public Watchdogs + Langley, Aguirre, Gilmore

San Onofre Madness: nuclear waste storage in “lemon” of a Holtec system?No thanks!  We deserve better! This Week’s Featured Interview: Nina Babiarz is a board member of Public Watchdogs, a non-profit safety watchdog group which has worked closely on San Onofre issues. Among the testimonies given in front of Southern California Edison’s tightly controlled Community…

NH #405: Three Mile Island 40th Anniversary SPECIAL, Pt. 1 – Nuclear Terror, Radiation Lies

Three Mile Island button protest designed by Jules Feiffer NOTE:  I am currently in Harrisburg, PA, for events surrounding the 40th anniversary of the 1979 nuclear meltdown at Three Mile Island.  Today’s program, Nuclear Hotseat’s Annual TMI Anniversary SPECIAL, will be followed in two weeks by another SPECIAL, this one on the result of my…

NH #400: Nuclear Brexit: UK’s Hinkley C,  Sellafield Nightmares w/Veteran Activist Nikki Clark

NH #400: Nuclear Brexit: UK’s Hinkley C, Sellafield Nightmares w/Veteran Activist Nikki Clark

Nuclear Brexit marks the 400th episode of Nuclear Hotseat! This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Brexit?  This week, as Brexit looms over the United Kingdom, we learn about another pending boondoggle in that country: the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant proposed new build.  What’s so wrong with this particular new nuke and what are activists…

NH #395: “Nuclear: Dangerous, A Failed Technology” – Former Nuke Regulatory Chief Greg Jaczko Goes Rogue

Rogue Nuclear Regulator: Former Chair of the NRC, Greg Jaczko This Week’s SPECIAL Featured Interview: Greg Jaczko, the former Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has published an explosive new book: Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator.  In it, he gets honest with the American people about the dangers of nuclear technology, which he labels…

NH #394: UChicago Nuclear Die-In at Atomic Pile Commemoration – New Anti-Nuke Generation’s India Weston

UChicago’s Henry Moore Statue “Nuclear Energy” was surrounded by body outlinesrepresenting the civilians who were killed by atomic bomb blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Photos: Brittney Dorton This Week’s Featured Interview: UChicago’s India Weston, a remarkable young anti-nuclear activist, fills us in on the new-media way she first discovered the hidden nuclear history, how she grew…

NH #383: Gender & Radiation: The Hidden Nuclear War Against Women & Little Girls – Mary Olson

Gender & Radiation’s depiction of “Reference Man” vs. size of a little girl: all radiation doses are not equal! Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Mary Olson is Nuclear Waste Specialist at NIRS (Nuclear Information and Resource Service–) and Acting Director, Gender and Radiation Impact Project. She has addressed the United Nations and other…

NH #382: San Onofre SPECIAL: Songs for SONGS Protest Rally – PLUS EXCLUSIVE: New Nuclear Bombshell re: SanO RadWaste from Donna Gilmore

San Onofre rally, Songs for SONGS – Filmmaker Adam Salkin Listen Here: [powerpress] San Onofre SPECIAL: Donna Gilmore of San Onofre Safety with the latest bombshell revelation about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s inadvertent admission of a lie about the canisters at San Onofre. Songs for SONGS Excerpts from speakers at the October 8 music/rally Songs…

NH #381: Holtec so-called “interim” Nuke Waste Dump in NM – Legal, Activist Pushback w/Attny Terry Lodge

Holtec so-called “interim” radioactive storage dump, Yucca Mountain, and uranium mining brings out Native tribal protestors at Red Butte in Arizona Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Holtec, the company trying to own nuclear waste and all its attendant monies, has a ferocious opponent in Terry Lodge.  He is an Ohio trial lawyer who…

NH #379: Chris Busby Strikes Back against Trumped-Up Attempted Arrest + Dawn Chapman on Good/Bad News re: N. St. Louis Toxic Landfills

Chris Busby in iconic – and so-called “suspicious” – beret. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Dawn Chapman, co-founder of the group Just Moms StL, has helped shepherd community protest of radioactive waste from Republic Services’ two landfills that had contaminated the neighborhood, back yards, even inside the houses where they and others live.  She provides background…