NH #400: Nuclear Brexit: UK’s Hinkley C,  Sellafield Nightmares w/Veteran Activist Nikki Clark

NH #400: Nuclear Brexit: UK’s Hinkley C, Sellafield Nightmares w/Veteran Activist Nikki Clark

Nuclear Brexit marks the 400th episode of Nuclear Hotseat! This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Brexit?  This week, as Brexit looms over the United Kingdom, we learn about another pending boondoggle in that country: the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant proposed new build.  What’s so wrong with this particular new nuke and what are activists…

NH #396: New Mexico Radioactive Waste Showdown: Don Hancock on WIPP and Proposed “Interim” Storage

New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad This Week’s Featured Interview: New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) radioactive waste problems examined in Libbe HaLevy’s interview with Don Hancock, Executive Director of the Southwest Research and Information Center, a nuclear watchdog group headquartered in Albuquerque.  The group  focuses on the goings-on at WIPP,…

NH #395: “Nuclear: Dangerous, A Failed Technology” – Former Nuke Regulatory Chief Greg Jaczko Goes Rogue

Rogue Nuclear Regulator: Former Chair of the NRC, Greg Jaczko This Week’s SPECIAL Featured Interview: Greg Jaczko, the former Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has published an explosive new book: Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator.  In it, he gets honest with the American people about the dangers of nuclear technology, which he labels…

NH #394: UChicago Nuclear Die-In at Atomic Pile Commemoration – New Anti-Nuke Generation’s India Weston

UChicago’s Henry Moore Statue “Nuclear Energy” was surrounded by body outlinesrepresenting the civilians who were killed by atomic bomb blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Photos: Brittney Dorton This Week’s Featured Interview: UChicago’s India Weston, a remarkable young anti-nuclear activist, fills us in on the new-media way she first discovered the hidden nuclear history, how she grew…

NH #392: Anti-Nuclear Peace Nun Who Broke into “High Security” US Site to Protest Nuclear Weapons: Sister Megan Rice

Anti-nuclear peace nun Sister Megan Rice, upon her 2015 release from prison on sabotage chargesfor her peaceful break-in and protest – at age 82 – at the Y-12 “Nuclear  Fort Knox” This Week’s Featured Interviews: To celebrate the holidays, a reminder of one of 2015’s successes — the early release from prison of the anti-nuclear…

NH #391: Nuclear Fox Revealed! France’s Hervé Courtois of Nuclear-News, Rainbow Warriors

Nuclear Fox Hervé Courtois & Nuclear Hotseat’s Libbe HaLevy @ the Window Rock of Window Rock AZ This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Fox – Hervé Courtois of France, aka D’un Renard, or “The Fox” – has been a steadfast provider of reliable nuclear  news, especially from Fukushima, since the first months after the disaster began…

NH #390: Uranium/Nuclear Devastation to Navajo Nation, Japan, India, Greenland? Ames, Iowa?!? International Uranium Film Festival SPECIAL

NH #390: Uranium/Nuclear Devastation to Navajo Nation, Japan, India, Greenland? Ames, Iowa?!? International Uranium Film Festival SPECIAL

Norbert Suchanek & Marcia Olviera Gomez, OrganizersFilmmakers, Audience Members – and one Podcaster w/a Book –at the International Uranium Film Festival in Window Rock, Arizona. SPECIAL: International Uranium Film Festival Nuclear Hotseat went to the Capitol of the Navajo Nation in Window Rock, Arizona, to cover the International Uranium Film Festival – 22 films in…

NH #389: World Health Organization’s Fukushima, Chernobyl Lies: Alison Katz of Independent WHO

Montage of protesters at the headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland,organized by Independent WHO This Week’s Featured Interview: Alison Katz, the head of Independent WHO (World Health Organization), continues to expose the lies and manipulations of perception regarding radiation impacts on health at Fukushima and Chernobyl.  A special Encore presentation from Nuclear…

NH #388: Santa Susana Field Lab/Woolsey Fire Radiation Dangers – Shocking History of Nuke Site Health Damage w/Epidemiologist Joseph Mangano

Santa Susana Field Lab – aerial photo of the start of the Woolsey Fire BREAKING: Arnie Gundersen and Maggie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education have just released the protocols for collecting dust and dirt samples within 25 miles of the Santa Susana Field Lab for free testing for radioactivity. To download your copy of the…