Childhood Leukemia Rates

NH #433: Childhood Leukemia Rates Soar for Kids Living near Nuclear Reactors: UK Researcher Dr. Ian Fairlie

This Week’s Featured Interview: Childhood leukemia rates near nuclear reactors shown to increase in 2014 report by Dr. Ian Fairlie. He is an independent consultant on radioactivity in the environment living in London UK and has studied radiation and radioactivity at least since the Chernobyl accident in 1986. He has a degree in radiation biology from Bart’s Hospital in…

NH #428: Nuclear Weapons Build-Up Insanity, Los Alamos Lab so-called “Clean-Up” – Jay Coghlan, Nukewatch NM

Nuclear weapons – a reminder of what they look like and what they can do. LISTEN HERE: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview Nuclear weapons – their design, engineering, chances for implementation – that’s the topic we explore with Jay Coghlan, Executive Director of Nukewatch NM. Jay goes over the division of responsibility for nuclear weapons…

NH #427: Radioactive Canada UPDATE: Dr. Gordon Edwards on RadWaste, SNC Lavalin, more + Farewell to 100-year-old Vt. Yankee & Peace Activist Frances Crowe

The late, great Frances Crowe (r), leaving a protest against the Vt. Yankee nuclear reactor. The 100-year-old Peace and Anti-Nuclear activist passed away on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: Radioactive Canada: Dr. Gordon Edwards is co-founder and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, or CCNR.  Dr. Edwards…

NH #419: Radioactive Waste Storage Crisis SPECIAL: NUCLEAR NIMBY Targets New Mexico, West Texas: Kevin Kamps, Diane D’Arrigo, Leona Morgan, Karen Hadden

Radioactive Waste Storage – NUCLEAR NIMBY: Activists rally against the proposed Holtec-Eddy/Lea consolidated so-called “interim” nuclear waste dump in New Mexico – January, 2019 SPECIAL REQUEST: Next week, I will be traveling to Navajo Nation in New Mexico to cover the 40th anniversary of the Church Rock disaster, the uranium tailings spill. Over 94 million…

NH #417: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Attacks Gundersen – Again! Plus SSFL/Woolsey Fire Update

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) doesn’t care for nuclear engineer/whistleblower Arnie Gundersen, seen here speaking on Three Mile Island Accident Reconsidered on March 27, 2019 (video link below) This Week’s Featured Interview: Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff and management don’t like whistleblowers, and somebody who probably ranks as their least favorite one is this week’s Nuclear…

NH #415: PILGRIM NUCLEAR SHUTDOWN! Celebrate, then on to Decommissioning Battles: Diane Turco, Mary Lampert

Pilgrim Nuclear Shutdown! One of the many demonstrations by Cape Downwinders that helped make the closure happen. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts – the exact same design as the reactors that melted down at Fukushima Daiichi – permanently shut down as of June 1, 2019 after a long struggle…

NH #412: Nuclear Divestment Campaign takes $$$ Out of Nuke Weapons Manufacturing – Susi Snyder of Don’t Bank on the Bomb + Three Mile Island Closing by Sept. 30! w/Eric Epstein, TMI Alert

Nuclear Divestment: Taking money out of the WRONG Financial Choice. Cover of the Don’t Bank on the Bomb pdf report on every company that manufactures components for nuclear weapons. This Week’s Featured Interviews: Nuclear divestment means institutional nuke investments are going down — and Susi Snyder explains how any one of us can join the…

NH #408: Chernobyl 33 Anniversary SPECIAL #1 – Yablakov, Mousseau, Survivor Kouneva, More!

Chernobyl at 33:  The melted, still highly radioactive nuclear fuel at the bottom of Chernobyl, nicknamed the “elephant’s foot.” Listen Here: [powerpress] The Chernobyl nuclear disaster marks its 33rd anniversary on April 26, and Nuclear Hotseat marks it with two SPECIAL reports on the accident and its aftermath.  This week’s episode features interviews with a…

NH #407: Three Mile Island 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Libbe HaLevy’s Trip Back to TMI – Gundersen, Epstein, Folkers, Layman, More!

Three Mile Island at 40 – TMI Vigil at the gates to the reactor facility, March 28, 2019, 3:57 a.m. Nuclear Hotseat producer/host Libbe HaLevy (right) commemorates her past. Listen Here: [powerpress] A very SPECIAL Nuclear Hotseat as producer/host Libbe HaLevy returns to Three Mile Island, site of the 1979 meltdown that changed her life. …