Tonga Tsunami Nuclear Dangers

NH #552: Tonga Tsunami Nuclear Dangers to Fukushima, San Onofre – Nancy Foust, Charles Langley & Nina Babiarz

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Tonga tsunami nuclear dangers are explored in two featured interview this week.  We look at the possible impact both on Fukushima and United States domestic nuclear reactor sites, most specifically San Onofre in southern California Nancy Foust is Communications Manager & Research Team Member, a not-for-profit research collective that holds…

Nuclear Regulator Confesses

NH #551: Nuclear Regulator Confesses! Former NRC Chair Jaczko’s Tell-All Book!

This Week’s Featured Interview: Greg Jaczko, the former Chair of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, has published an explosive new book: Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator.  (NOTE:  Link is to Amazon, but we recommend you order it through your local independent book store.) In it, he gets honest with the American people about the dangers…

Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water

NH #550: Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water Dump into Cape Cod Bay? NOPE! Diane Turco, Cape Downwinders

This Week’s Featured Interview: Holtec Pilgrim Radioactive Water Dump – is an action that the decommissioning company has planned for the radioactive water from the reactor spent fuel pool.  But Holtec has been receiving ever-growing pushback from Massachusetts representatives and the public.  Diane Turco is Director of the Cape Downwinders on Cape Cod, a group…

Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump Dangers

NH #536: Radioactive Nuclear Waste Dump Dangers – Kevin Kamps + Nuke Info Tokyo – Caitlin Stronell

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Radioactive nuclear waste dump dangers are the primary wheelhouse of Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog (bullldog?) for Beyond Nuclear.  Kevin specializes in high-level waste management and transportation; new and existing reactors; decommissioning; environmental and public health risks associated with government and industry efforts to dump commercial irradiated fuel rods on Native…

Yes, I Grow In The Dark! Book

NH #509: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 42: Never Forget!

This week’s full-lengthThree Mile Island Anniversary SPECIALfeatures interviews with: Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Energy Education.Watch a video of Arnie Gundersen speaking about the accident at the 40th Anniversary of the founding of TMI Alert. Peter Bradford, who was a Commissioner at the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner  during the TMI accident. Eric Epstein, Chair of…

Activists Getting Active

NH #507: Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan: THIS IS NOT “RECOVERY”

  Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan – The 9th edition of Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan features on-the-ground interviews with people working in or involved with Fukushima.  For the first time, we are posting the original interviews in Japanese (scroll down). The interviews on this episode of Nuclear Hotseat: Voices from Japan were based on…

Activists Getting Active

NH #506: Activists Getting Active! Vt. Yankee POWER STRUGGLE film – Robbie Leppzer + Mothers for Peace Rebuts Shameful New Yorker Article – Jane Swanson

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Activists getting active on multple fronts! Linda Seeley is a veteran member of the group San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.  Here, she fills us in on how the New York article, The Activists who Embrace Nuclear (GAK!) was not researched with anyone connected with the group – meaning due diligence…

Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail

NH #505: Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail + Defund Nuclear Weapons Producers – Erica Gray, Susi Snyder

This Week’s Featured Interviews: TEXAS NUCLEAR’S EPIC FAIL – Erica Gray, Nuclear Issues Chair of the Sierra Club, checks and posts the Nuclear Regulatory Commission status (power level) and event (accidents, problems) reports on social media the five days a week that they are supposed to be issued.  Last week, Nuclear Hotseat offered a rundown…

Nuclear Suicide by Embrittled Reactors

NH #503: Nuclear Suicide by Embrittled Reactors: Karl Grossman

This Week’s Featured Interview: Karl Grossman is an author and journalism professor at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury. He hosts the television program Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman, is the author of six books, and writer of numerous magazine, newspaper and Internet articles. That doesn’t even come close to describing his…