Activists Getting Active

NH #507: Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan: THIS IS NOT “RECOVERY”

  Fukushima 10: Voices from Japan – The 9th edition of Nuclear Hotseat’s Voices from Japan features on-the-ground interviews with people working in or involved with Fukushima.  For the first time, we are posting the original interviews in Japanese (scroll down). The interviews on this episode of Nuclear Hotseat: Voices from Japan were based on…

Activists Getting Active

NH #506: Activists Getting Active! Vt. Yankee POWER STRUGGLE film – Robbie Leppzer + Mothers for Peace Rebuts Shameful New Yorker Article – Jane Swanson

This Week’s Featured Interviews: Activists getting active on multple fronts! Linda Seeley is a veteran member of the group San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace.  Here, she fills us in on how the New York article, The Activists who Embrace Nuclear (GAK!) was not researched with anyone connected with the group – meaning due diligence…

Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail

NH #505: Texas Nuclear’s Epic Fail + Defund Nuclear Weapons Producers – Erica Gray, Susi Snyder

This Week’s Featured Interviews: TEXAS NUCLEAR’S EPIC FAIL – Erica Gray, Nuclear Issues Chair of the Sierra Club, checks and posts the Nuclear Regulatory Commission status (power level) and event (accidents, problems) reports on social media the five days a week that they are supposed to be issued.  Last week, Nuclear Hotseat offered a rundown…

Nuclear Suicide by Embrittled Reactors

NH #503: Nuclear Suicide by Embrittled Reactors: Karl Grossman

This Week’s Featured Interview: Karl Grossman is an author and journalism professor at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury. He hosts the television program Enviro Close-Up with Karl Grossman, is the author of six books, and writer of numerous magazine, newspaper and Internet articles. That doesn’t even come close to describing his…

Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu

NH #498: Radioactive Olympics Deja Vu: UPDATE by Dr. Alex Rosen of IPPNW

This Week’s Featured Interview:  Radioactive Olympics – Dr. Alex Rosen is one of two co-chairs of the German affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), where he is responsible for the topic of nuclear energy.  Dr. Rosen is a pediatric specialist and head of the pediatric emergency department of the…

NH #478: San Onofre Beachfront Nuke Waste Dump: Edison Sneaks Deadly Rule Change thru Coastal Commission – Public Watchdogs’ Charles Langley & Nina Babiarz

San Onofre Beachfront Nuclear Waste Dump – and owner Southern California Edison’s manipulations to abandon the Holtec thin-walled “tin can” canisters to High Tide on the beach.  Can you spot the problems?  HINT:  There are even more!  Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview: San Onofre Beachfront Nuclear Waste Dump – what could go wrong? …

NH #468: Space Force – Dangerous Farce? Linda Pentz Gunter + Covid/Nuclear Report + 9th Anniversary!

Space Force marks the beginning of Nuclear Hotseat’s 10th Year!  More to come! Listen Here: [powerpress] This Week’s Featured Interview on Space Force: Space Force and Nukes in Space – what, we don’t have enough nuclear problems on earth?  I spoke with Linda Pentz Gunter of Beyond Nuclear. She is their international nuclear specialist, an…

NH #462: New Mexico Nuclear Garbage Dump Approved by NRC Behind Covid Smokescreen – Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear

New Mexico radioactive nuclear garbage dump approved by NRC behind Covid smokescreen –Beyond Nuclear’s Kevin Kamps (above) gives history, context, dangers, legal objections, and next steps.   This Week’s Featured Interview: New Mexico – so-called “interim” storage site for highly radioactive nuclear waste given go-ahead by Nuclear Regulatory Commission – and the fight against it…

NH #457: Covid19/Nuclear Nightmare Begins: NRC’s Inadequate Conference Call – Paul Gunter, Eric Epstein, Kevin Kamps

Covid19 does what Fukushima and radiation dangers could not do:  Takes down the Olympics and has severely minimized the propagandistic torch relay through Fukushima Prefecture.  (Graphic courtesy Bruce Brinkman) This Week’s Covid19/Nuclear Features and Interviews: A news roundup of nuclear facilities already being impacted by the novel corona virus pandemic Paul Gunter of Beyond Nuclear…