NH #82 – Iran’s Nuke Accident? SanO DAB seeks Whistleblowers, Cesium in Fuku Food

PLUS: Did Iran have a nuclear accident or is there some other cause for the evacuation of 1.5 million people? Osaka to burn radioactive Fukushima debris as the government detains and arrests anti-nuclear protestors. Turkey to test all food imported from Japan for suspected radioactivity, but US continues to do NOTHING to protect our food…

NH #78: Nuclear Perpetrators, Urban Planners, UN Preps Int’l Nuke Gag Order

INTERVIEW: Torgen Johnson is a Harvard-educated Urban Planner with a professional degree in Architecture from USC.  He brings a unique perspective to the nuclear conversation based upon three separate professional disciplines.  As a resident of southern California who lives near San Onofre, he interprets the risks to community and accumulated wealth from a single major…

NH #71 – Nuclear Reactors = Nuclear Bombs: Alice Slater; Wisconsin Nuke Plant to Close, SanO Leaks Again!

INTERVIEW:  Alice Slater, Founder of Abolition 200 and New York Director of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation.  Learn how every nuclear reactor has “a bomb in the basement,”and how nuclear is just one outpost in the global fight for freedom and sanity.  www.abolition2000.org; www.wagingpeace.org. PLUS: San Onofre leaks again and it’s not even on line!…

NH #70 – Karl Grossman Demystifies Nuclear Media Manipulation

LISTEN HERE: DOWNLOAD HERE: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/aa21a17d-314f-324c-c0a8-09317cc79b03.mp3 INTERVIEW:  Karl Grossman condenses 45 years of reporting on nuclear issues into a primer on where the lies started (HINT: Before Hiroshima!), how they became entrenched, why it seems so impossible to get mainstream media coverage, and what we can do about it.  Double the usual interview because man, this…

NH #66: Sean Bonner of Safecast; Japan Govt. Says “No!” to Nukes (Sort Of…)

Listen here: Download here: http://lhalevy.audioacrobat.com/download/fbc331c3-4c4f-bf9a-0fae-8e74a74b5bbb.mp3 Interview:  Sean Bonner, one of the founders of Safecast, which provides radiation testing devices on the ground in Japan and elsewhere in the world to map radiation levels. This group is the definition of grassroots humanitarian efforts. Plus: Japan declares they’re phasing out nuclear by the 2030’s, but there are…

NH #65 – Dr. Janette Sherman & Joseph Mangano on Post-Fukushima Deaths in US

Plus: Police kill anti-nuke protesters, including a small girl, as thousands continue to protest at Koodankulam NPP in India; The fight is on to stop PG&E from exterminating CA sea life to justify keeping Diablo Canyon NPP chugging away atop its earthquake faults; TEPCO says Unit 4 is “perfectly safe” in a quake up to…

NH #64: Fukushima Diary’s Iori Mochizuki; NRC Denies License (!) to Calvert Cliff

PLUS: For only the second time in history, the NRC denies a request for a license!  NIRS Exec. Director Michael Mariotte labels this action, “A blow to the so-called ‘nuclear renaissance.’” San Onofre to get cost/benefit analysis to see if it makes sense to attempt to reopen it (CLUE: The answer is NO!); Dr. Michael…