NH #35: Arnie Gunderson + Greenpeace = Nuclear Info You Can Believe

Here’s the latest from Arnie Gunderson and Fairewinds, done in conjunction with Greenpeace. Fairewinds was retained by Greenpeace to write a chapter of their newly released report entitled “The Echo Chamber: Regulatory Capture and the Fukushima Daiichi Disaster”. Fairewinds concludes that Fukushima Daiichi was not just a nuclear accident; rather, for decades it was a…

NH #29: The (Nuclear) Chain of Life: Are Cancer and Autism Linked to Your Grandmother’s Radiation Exposure?

An email forwarded to me from Mary Olsen of Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS.com) has been haunting me. It’s well known within the anti-nuclear movement that radiation most profoundly affects fetuses and the very young.  In explaining this phenomenon, Mary wrote, “In addition to radiation impacts on DNA (both egg and sperm), there is…

NH #18: September 6, 2011

Today’s Nuclear Hotseat Podcast: North Anna’s operators caught in a lie about quake-readiness of that plant, even as they break ground for reactor #3; Fukushima radiation levels for workers more than 10 times too high; Interview with Dr. Robert Gould of Physicians for Social Responsibility on radiation dangers; Report on Vermont’s nuclear sanity – a…